I have done 4 boards now using the probox system with eps blanks. My question is how essential is it to use the slow hardner over the Resin Research hardner used for the normal lamination of the board? I put 4 oz. cloth around the routed when I do the install. I don't want to try using the RR hardner and melt the foam, but I hate having to keep ordering the little slow hardner kits (I get from greenlight surf supply). Has anyone actually had problems with overheating the foam when not using the slow hardner? Thanks a lot.
The fast hardener will melt the eps foam if the you pour the resin in all in one shot. Larry said if you use the fast hardener pour it in a couple of steps. Pour enough to maybe come half way up the fin box and let it harden. Pour in enough resin with the second pour to fill in the gap around the fin box to finish it off.
The slow hardener lets you fill in the gap all at once.
i've done 3 boards for a total of 12 Proboxes in 2lb EPS with RR fast in one shot... temp was around 70* usually less. no melting or burning. 2 layers of 6oz glass under each box and 2 layers around the sides... the first time i did the install, i was trying to do the 2 pour thing but i ended up with too much in the hole when i dropped the boxes. no problems. after that, i figured it was alright. 2 pour method is probably safest way to go though.
I recommend the slow hardener, but if you can’t do that, I have used fast hardener in my proboxes with no problems with 2lb EPS. I don’t do the two pour method (I do with FCS plugs), but I do use cold, wet rags under the boxes, a nice nugget of white pigment, and a sprinkle of microballoons in the mix. Maybe I’ve just been lucky, but it has worked just fine for me at room temperature or cooler.
I have done 4 boards now using the probox system with eps blanks. My question is how essential is it to use the slow hardner over the Resin Research hardner used for the normal lamination of the board? I put 4 oz. cloth around the routed when I do the install. I don't want to try using the RR hardner and melt the foam, but I hate having to keep ordering the little slow hardner kits (I get from greenlight surf supply). Has anyone actually had problems with overheating the foam when not using the slow hardner? Thanks a lot.
Hi rhdubois, When installing ProBox with Epoxy always use as much glass as possible NO MILL FIBER. Mill fiber does not displace heat build up. Straight Glass eliminates the chance of heat build up as shown in the pic below, where I rap woven roving around the ProBox and two layers inside the routed hole to do a one set install with Epoxy. Note this creates a strong install along with displacing heat in a weak structure.Take a piece of foam and do a one step install following my pic to feel safe in your mind. Contact Brian at Greenlight and have him send you one box on me to try this method. Do the install with fast set Epoxy and watch on your practice piece the results. Let us know how it turns out my friend. Mahalo, Larry
Cool...thanks a lot everyone for the support. I will try this weekend and see how it goes..
I don’t know about your current Resin supply, but do yourself a favor and just start using RR Kwick Kick (I get mine from Greenlight, too) for your installs (and everything else). It’s stronger, cures faster, and doesn’t exotherm as much as regular RR fast or slow. I’ve had no problems with it doing Probox installs (I did get a 2lb EPS burnout using RR Fast). It really sucks when it takes an entire day for your fin boxes and leash plug installs to dry using slow cure. With KK you can do your boxes and flip to do the leash plug in just over an hour at 70 degrees. Plus you can sand both and finish your board same day.
I don't know about your current Resin supply, but do yourself a favor and just start using RR Kwick Kick (I get mine from Greenlight, too) for your installs (and everything else). It's stronger, cures faster, and doesn't exotherm as much as regular RR fast or slow. I've had no problems with it doing Probox installs (I did get a 2lb EPS burnout using RR Fast). It really sucks when it takes an entire day for your fin boxes and leash plug installs to dry using slow cure. With KK you can do your boxes and flip to do the leash plug in just over an hour at 70 degrees. Plus you can sand both and finish your board same day.
Thanks for the Epoxy tip Jamie. Mahalo,Larry
I used the rr kwick kick with my probox install and had no melting. I just lined the hole with 4oz cloth then cut 1" strips of 4oz cloth that I wrapped around the box after I folded it in half this worked great and it was ready to sand in about 1 hour
Three options when installing boxes in EPS
1. Slow Hardner 1 pour
2. Fast Hardener 2 or more pours - takes just as long if not longer than using slow hardener
3. Quik Kick with 2 layers of 6 oz. in the routed hole. Quik Kick does exotherm a bit but the temperature does not reach the melting point of 2# EPS (220 F??)
2 layers of glass dissipates any heat build up and makes the install even stronger on lateral impacts. Uses less resin too...
NJsurfers cold rag or icepack trick works well to reduce exotherm too.
I'm currently working on dialing in a new 3 minute epoxy ProBox install. Definitely keep everyone posted when I'm sure there's no chance melting the foam.
Never had any issues with fast epoxy and Proboxes as the gap between the box and the foam is quite narrow. Lining the hole with fibreglass makes it a bit narrower still. Make sure to put the boxes in as soon as you have poured or you will get heat build up. That’s it for me. No exotherm issues whatsoever.
I have had issues with RR fast and exotherm. If you are going to do an install with the fast please do yourself a favor and do two pours. Yes it takes longer and is sort of a pain BUT TRUST ME not as much of a pain as melting foam! If RR Kwik Kick doesnt melt foam then this is obviously the best option. I am going to go that route when I order my next epoxy.
Oh, and nj_surfers tip on putting down the cold rags under the board is a great trick. I always use that now. I also have used ice packs.
StAugustide, which boxes were you installing when you got the exotherm? just wondering.