Larry got me started on this with screw size.
Generalized instructions for grinding ProBox fin tabs and tapping a new screw:
Okay, needed to grind the fin tab and move the side screw on a probox rear set fin box.
You know grinding the tab so that you can either get more front or back placement, then
placing a side screw with a die & tap set.
In my case I have a quad , so I have 2 of the typical center fin (short board) fin boxes without insert that has side screws.
Heres what I found the side screws are 10-24
(you wont hardly find this anywhere else on the internet, Im almost 100% sure FCS is the same and maybe the others),
which means the thread size is 10 and there are 24 turns per inch
on the screw.
10-24 x 5/16 Cup Point Set Screw, Stainless Steel, $0.13
3/32″ Hex Head Allen Wrench
So you use the 10-24 tap that you can get from a SAE Die & Tap kit at Freight Harbour. Any SAE Kit will do.
On sale for me $9.99 up to around $30 and even more if you so desire.
Use a #25 drill bit for the final hole before using the 10-24 tap.
I used a smaller drill bit to initialize the hole, then went for the #25.
Now comes twisting the 10-24 tap.
I had huge problems with the handle that is supposed to clamp down the tap.
It was either too big…the rotating handle was BIGTIME in the way and constant equal pressure could not be applied.
OR , the smaller handle that came with the kit, was engineered so poorly that it would slip while turning the tap!
Mucho problemos here!!!
Finally, I went to Ace Hardware and was able to buy a really nice ‘T-Handle Tap Wrench’ made by Irwin/ Hanson
additional info: for tap sizes #0-1/4" and ‘Spring Tension Sliding Handle’ for $7.99
With this tool as a handle to hold the tap, it went smooth as silk!
I was twisting the tap while the board was on a glassing rack and no other body or board geometry involved.
Looks like this method could be finessed on the regular side fin boxes that use a ‘cant’ insert and side screws.
However, the top side margins on the regular side fin boxes are narrower, so this may be touch/go -problematic…but it looks do-able.
I understand probox has a longboard fin box without side screws but an inner set screw …for that box this method does not apply.