Progress Pics: 6'9" Backyard Semi Gun Thruster

Started on a another project tonight.

81 x 18.1 x 2.15



Fins & Glassing schedule: ??

Bad weather forecasted moving in over the next few days looks like I won’t be glassing till next week. Not like there’ll be a need for a board like this in the summer anyways. Maybe I’ll bust out the spray gun add some color


Fins & Glassing schedule: ??

We’d get guns done 6x6 top 6 bottom.

Options on fins. Use slightly smaller base width fins (more like 4 3/8 than the 4 5/8 you like on shortboards). The higher speeds need less base width to get the same turns. You can also reduce toe-in to 3/16" (or down to 1/4" if it is for you) and move fronts forward as much as 1/2". The reduced toe-in is because at higher speeds your board will not plane at as steep an angle fore-aft, so the water will flow closer to parallel to the stringer under the board. The fins forward comes with narrower tails, the weight distribution is more spread (also with the reduced pitch).

Hey Bud, look at you making a bigger board! congratulations, are you coming over to the darkside?

Nice looking shape. Tri fin set at 11 5/8 and 3 1/2 or so. About 3/16 toe or point them at 1 in off the nose.

Beautiful board. A little extra volume never hurt anyone.

Nice shape, Bud. Its close to the dims of some of Cj3’s compsands, PM him for fin setup. He’s been doing 5 with results that indicate he’ll never go back to anything else… Or maybe try to get advice from Griff

Bud, board looks great as usual. my only bit of critisism would be the thickness of the nose at the tip. nothing makes a backyard board look “backyard” like a tip that isn’t thinned out enough. based on the pics, i’d say thin it out by half the thickness it currently is.

just my two cents.

again, sick board. nice work.



Bud, board looks great as usual. my only bit of critisism would be the thickness of the nose at the tip. nothing makes a backyard board look “backyard” like a tip that isn’t thinned out enough. based on the pics, i’d say thin it out by half the thickness it currently is.

just my two cents.

again, sick board. nice work.


Depends on what your looking for. A guy named Chapman that surf the North Shore, Sunset in particular will verbally school you on thin noses, and the need for more volume throughout the entire board starts at the nose, and ends in the tail.



I think you are doing very nice work. I like to open your threads and check out your stuff… This one looks so nice and clean and will be ready for winter…



Hey thanks everyone for the advice/comments; I’m pretty stoked on the way this one is turning out.

resinhead… dark side? no way! I’ll bust out something like this when Haleiwa, Jockos or 'gators is pushing 2xoh+

kirk, yeah I know exactly what you’re talking about and I agree. though that pic may have been a little hard to tell that it is almost ready to flatten down. I discovered that it makes it a lot easier to fold the wet nose glass too

more dims

fins @ 3.6 & 11.6, 6 degrees & .25 toe

nose 10.25, tail 12.95

nose kick 6, tail rocker 2.4

moderate single to double out the tail

Decided to go with Futures again, since I have the jig and it’s the fin system I can do with some confidence

I’m 5’8" about 140lbs, I’m thinking about glassing 6x6 with a 3/4 4oz deck patch. … any advice/comments?

Aloha Bud, looks great. I’m jealous that you’ve started your winter quiver.

The nose looks fine to me. Looks like you could thin it, but you’d have to foil it in with the rail again and it looks like your ready to spray or glass.

Since you have the time glass it in epoxy. I know that you’ve got the poly style down but it’s pretty easy to do, just takes longer. Best part is no smell.

hey there,

i made my fist semi gun - more gunny - last november,i glassed 2x4 on the deck and 1x 4 bottom,finnished to 400grit on te sandcoat.

its been nailed by 10ft swell and survived.


Since you have the time glass it in epoxy. I know that you’ve got the poly style down but it’s pretty easy to do, just takes longer. Best part is no smell.

Thanks DMP; I’ve found that the UV resin fumes are less of an issue than I expected a year ago when I first started. Strong while laminating for 15 minutes or so, but the smell is pretty much gone once cured, which is usually about about 7 minutes later in the Hawaiian sun.

ended up glassing it 6+4x6 couple days ago

sanded last eve.

finished weight 6lbs 4oz (w/out fins)