prone board rudder system

 I’m researching prone rudder systems for a future build. Can’t find the parts anywhere. Waiting for StandupZone to approve my account so I can ask those guys as well. 

Looking for water bottle mounts, and some handles. Whose carries this stuff?


you may be able to get replacement parts from one of the manufactures however not many use rudders now on production sup’s. I would suggest trying a naish or  SIC as they use them a fare bit on there dw boards. im not sure there is a hole lot to them though so you maybe able to fabricate it yourself. as for water bottle mounts i think most just use a fin plug of your choice and then use a old fin base to mount a cycle cage to well at least the ones i have seen on prone boards have been done like that. if you want a sunken handle ether future or fcs do one if you want a strap style ez plugs do one  or you can just make your own from 1" webbing then use a couple of windsurf foot strap blocks to screw to.  

thanks Charlieukusa, I like the fin plug idea. Definitely would love to build my own rudder; carbon tube handle, etc… We’ll see what kind of mechanical looks I can get online. This system is planned for an 18’+ unlimited.

Infinity in Dana Point has a rudder system for their 18+ SUP’s, but they don’t sell it as parts.  Pretty simple though, plastic rod linkages, bell crank.  It’s spring loaded to track straight and you kick a bent sheet metal piece near your foot right or left.  Some butt-boards have a similar system as do kayaks.  You can get handles and other paraphernalia at .  Glass-in the threaded windsurf/kiteboard footstrap inserts and you can pretty much bolt on anything you want.

Thanks Petec. I noticed a friend’s board on a paddle the other day had a piece of aluminum tubing through the board; must be for an aftermarket rudder. …starting to get an idea of how the mechanics come together.

  Note that this rudder will fold upwards on that elastic cord tied on back.
