prospero ano!!!! y iluminades para ustedes

the misfortune of having a computer malfunctioning for hte last month has denied me the opportunity to annoy you and irritate you in the spirit of positive growth and understanding. I apologize for the inanimate and unfeeling system that caries our thoughts and feelings across space binding us ---- – binding us in thie cohesive swaylockian universe. cant wait to get back online and read the 4000 entries that i’ve missed.

especial maahalos and alohas to the melors jensens and laholics all. amabrose in waipouli avoiding muddy water at all costs. god bless the indian ocean affected. and grace be with us all in the new year.

Happy New Year, Ambrose. I was wondering where you were. A pinch of Hawaiian sea salt taste good in Corona, too. mike

we missed you but welcome back & HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

Happy New Year from a fellow kindred-gardener!