Prototype#4 Zebra Fabric

Aloha Carve:

I am sick because as a Federal contractor, I had to work today. Lilinoe and the gang were calling me all morning to tell me how good the waves are and what I am missing. I am glad the board works and it looks really cool too. You are super productive with your board building. I got to get of my ass and start cracking on my board projects.

Thanks again for the inspiration.



Carve, once more, you have impressed us all. thanks for sharing.


Aloha Carve Nalu – Are those offsets of a higher density foam? Or, are those the pvc?

Howzit E-pac… Not sure which offsets you mean… I put higher density foam where my leash plug goes and also where the fins are… I also ran that Kevlar tape on both sides of the PVC stringer to help with the strength…


no Carve imagine what you could do with sandwhich construction. thinner lighter more flexible, it blows my mind. i thin SUP is going to become it’s own sport if people like yourself keep pushing the boundaries.

riderofwaves…Everytime I go out there it translates directly back into the shaping room. I’m hoping within the next year we come up with boards that can be surfed. I mean really surfed! Haha! Yup, this is just the beginning stages of design and materials for sure…


4 boards in like 5 weeks? Every time I log on you’re finishing a new board

Kai…Hahahaha! Right now I’m soooooo into this and I can’t wait for people to shape for me or glass for me. The industry is so busy in Hawaii right now so it forced me back into my shaping room… Now if I can only get the glassing part down!!


what about puting s light conccave in the neck of the nose for like the first two feet, cut down on the swing weight.

riderofwaves…Great idea. I was throwing it around in my head a lot lately… I was drawing out some step deck stuff too… I’m not a big nose rider guy so yeah, the swing weight is really a waste for my surfing approach… I do like tip time on occasion though… I’ll try something on one of the next boards…

Anyway, the waves are going off on the North Shore right now and 2 hefty south swells are on the way this week so chances of another board getting done is nil! Aloha guys and thanks for the good words and encouragement…

<span style="font-size:6px">In Reply To</span>  

Aloha Carve Nalu – Are those offsets of a higher density foam? Or, are those the pvc?

Howzit E-pac… Not sure which offsets you mean… I put higher density foam where my leash plug goes and also where the fins are… I also ran that Kevlar tape on both sides of the PVC stringer to help with the strength…


I guess I’m seeing the Kevlar strips. Get one for us.

Yeah, those are the Kevlar strips… I rode it this morning at Haleiwa with a different fin set up and this board is AWESOME!!! I’m soooo stoked with it I booked the first flight out tomorrow to an outer island to surf the south swell for the next 2 days… Hook up with the boys and I’m gonna be one crispy, surfed out buggah!!! My family asked what do you want for Fathers Day? I said looooong rippable lefts and thick barrels at a certain right hand reef break… They said Happy Fathers Day, go for it! AHWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

don’t forget the GPS

BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Water just shot out of my nose! Hehe!


Was nice talkin to you the other day too brah…What a treat it was getting Haleiwa like that this time of the year eh? Your shaping room set up looks first class, along with the work you’re doing in there. If my guess is correct you might be heading north of here for your outer island jaunt? I was there a couple of weeks ago, and though it never really got epic, I had a lot of fun. I only surfed the classic left on the southwest side, using my 6’4" modern fish and 9’0" single fin. I even got to meet the infamous Ambrose. Cool guy doing some awesome work. Hope you get some on your trip…Take some pics for us to drool on.


Just got back… Surfed my brains out a 4 hour session then a 3 hour session and again this morning on the long left… Got washed over the reef twice coming from the point… Haha! It was cranking in the morning yesterday… To much west in the swell to connect but still very long and fun. Surfed with the local crew and saw some old friends… 3 other SUP surfers out and we had a blast! Even met Mitch from Pro Box Fins this morning and talked story with him… He was stoked I had Pro Boxes on my board…Haha!

The Zebra board went unreal… Solid carves in the pocket and went fast down the line… On waves that perfect you can pick up tons of speed then really lay into the turns… The next one I make should be very close to what I know is possible… Picked up 3 blanks today so the progression continues! Ahwooo!

The Zebra worked really well in knee to head high rights… I’m sooooo stoked with this board! I think this board is very close to what I’m looking for in a hot dog knee paddle longboard. Maybe slightly less nose, same rocker, same middle thickness, same tail, same rails, same concave bottom, same width or maybe up to a 1/4 wider… I’m amazed at how it turns for such a fat board. I’m doing things I used to do on my regular 9’ longboards which I thought would never happen. It even nose rides good in the pocket. Something I thought it wouldn’t because usually wide noses don’t like the steep sections… Maybe I should sand my hot coat and it’ll work even better! Hahahahahaha!!

As I was getting out of the water I got to talk again with foamdust as he was checking the surf. We had some time to shoot the sh*t. He’s a very cool guy and knowledgeable too… Look forward to seeing him more… Swaylocks is a way cool place… I had the pleasure of meeting some great people here and then in person you usually find they are even better… Aloha

Wow… Just stumbled upon something really cool… Yesterday 2 friends and I went for our morning paddle and there were tiny waves rolling in… They were testing out the 9-6 Fatso and 8-8 Fat Buggah SUP boards I recently made… I ended up on my friends 12’ Munoz while they were getting into the 2 short boards… After a few little waves on the old faithful Munoz I remember stand up paddling the Zebra board between sets in Kauai thinking, “I wonder how this would work with my long paddle?”

So I went in, switched boards and brought out the Zebra with my long paddle. I found out real quick that I’ve had my best SUP board right under my nose… Or knees rather!! Hahaha! It paddles fast, stable, and I already know it rips… This Zebra board keeps on amazing me! We even took a training, exercise paddle across the bay and it paddled thru the boat wakes, wind chop etc just fine… I’m 170 lbs so I’m still surprised with its flotation/stability… This is probably the smallest SUP volume wise out there… I mean nobody intentionally shapes a SUP 9’-2" X 25-1/4" wide X only 3-3/4" thick!! On a side note… My friend who is pretty good at it couldn’t do it and he’s 155 lbs… He only paddles standing in his surfing stance so it was to tippy for him… I paddle with both feet facing forward which is more stable side to side…

So now the Zebra board is still my favorite board in the quiver by far! Things are changing so fast with SUP! What we thought was possible 2 months ago has been expanded way past the limits we expected. When winter rolls around, the fun will really begin! Aloha…

Aloha CarveNalu:

Wow you did your homework and found that magic SUP. Is this the design that you will start your new business venture with? Lilinoe came over the house and checked out my SUP. She was so interested and started pointing pointing at my unshaped 12 ft. blank. “Who is that blank for”, she asked… I think your “sub” boards are perfect for women who are lighter and can start off with a smaller SUP design. Instead of Zebra stripes perhaps pink flowers for this group (he he he). There’s another niche market for you!

I think you are on to something big and I like your idea of one size does not fit all!

Go get 'um!