Puerto Rico, east shore surf?

Hi guys, I know this should be a design forum, but I only post here for surfing.

G/F has a place in Fajardo PuertoRico, and we walked down to 7 Seas beach one bigger day and found a big, steep, thick left around 8-10' around the corner to the W.  It's on the way to the Governor's Beach, where that FBI guy drowned this winter after saving a local.  Anyways, this spot is open to Atlantic swells, can't close out in less than 15 ', and easy lineup with both shore's rocks and tree formations.  I had a mini boogie board, no fins, in hand....obviously didn't go out.

  Anyone hear of this spot?  It's about midway on the trail to the Gov's beach house, where there are small right reef waves.  The locals at Luhillo including the shop emps never heard of this spot, and neither has the guys working at Veluano's in SanJuan.

  It looks like Ross's Cove at HalfMoonBay, just inside Mavericks to the N.