Purple tint = the evil

I’ve done nice smoke grey tints, greens, blues, turquiose, you name it, I’ve done a passable or sometimes pretty good job on it. But the purple I did today ate me alive. Blotchier than Courtney Love’s ass. I stared at it forever, but it was too late. Purple is bad. I thought green tint was hard…sigh. Kooking it bad.


the purple I did today ate me alive. Blotchier than Courtney Love’s ass. I stared at it forever, but it was too late. Purple is bad.

smooth brown might have been better to look at …

I can’t count the number of times I had purple tint kick my ass (and I’m a good fighter). I’m talking a trail of tears out of the lam room. Now, it is one of my favorites along with the even more difficult deep violet/fuschia.

What is your tint source?

If 1 jar is 2 ounces, how much did you use for one side?

Did you sand your blank out to 400 grit?

Classic or Supergreen?

Are you going to ‘purple tint’ the hotcoat? or is it a no-hoper?

I was going to start a thread but you beat me to it. Purple…hmmm , mix some red and blue , what about lavender or rose ,or ??..

I did a resin swirl job this week that came out killer but the shaper/customer wanted something different. My colors came out too lite. (I am not willing to show pictures today).

I went to the local surf shop with my daughter to look at boards and maybe get some ideas…

She says ,“Dad, I think they paint the boards first before the resin swirl”…

Interesting possibility… Any comments ?

Maybe a light purple or burgundy on the foam before the resin work…


Hey Stingray,

I cannot recommend mixing red and blue to get purple. Be advised that getting the purple tint as supplied from manufacturers is sourced from different super-concentrated pigments. Your purples, greens, oranges, violets, and other secondaries are much more vivid than trying to mix your own primaries…

…back in the day, we sprayed boards and did tints over them. We did airbrush swirls and then regular tints and vice verse. The best IMO was airbrushing a fade from the rails toward the center and doing tint of the same color. (Cool thing about it is that you leave the tape on from airbrushing for the lamination).

I’m currently working with pigments. Dura Technoloniges. I bought them from Mitch’s in Solona beach. Just joking about the purple mix because a little of this and a little of that goes a long way…

I’m thinking a light blue air brush base with a burgundy/red/black/blue???..swirl on top. But that’s just in my mind.

The real question is have you ever done a fiberglass resin swirl over a foam air brush?

Hi Plus one shaper

I want to get a real rich red like Gerry Lopez’z retro boardsbut the closest my supplier only has is magenta and orange. the manager wasnt there, so I couldn t ask.

Do you mix the orange and the magenta for the red, or isthere a straight red tint you can get?

Thank you

Hey Designdick,

there is a straight red tint that looks like see-through cherry candy. Source is Fiberglass Hawaii in Santa Cruz.

I’m sure there are other viable sources. 2 ounces will do the whole board easily. Depending upon size of board, size of batch and weight of cloth, you will be using about 3/4 to 1 ounce of the red tint.

Be sure to fine sand that blank, red really shows stuff. Also lower density foams will show (SuperBlue and lighter).

Hope this helps.

Spray transparent acrylic paints over the hotcoat and then clear lam a layer of 4 over that. The color intensity can be varied to your liking.