Quad Fin Placement

Ive pretty much finished my first board and id like to go for a quad fin setup, but really havent got any idea of where to place the fins. I dont want to mess the board up by getting this wrong and was hoping for some advice.

Its a 6’9" board with a small swallow(?) tail. its quite wide at about 21 3/4’.

Is there some sort of rule of thumb i can use? I`ve put a pic of the board below so you can get an idea of shape of the board.



Mike, take a look at bruce Mc Kee’s site:


You’ll find very precise charts for fins placement according to length and width of boards. In any case, it will provide a good starting point.

As a general statement, if you want it a little more skatey/loose vs. drivey, move the back fins a bit more forward and towards the rail than the McKee formula says.

…that formula for the front fins is already towards the rail

Set the fins at 7" and 13" from the tail. Point the fins 2" off the nose, and set them 1 1/8 off the rail (both front & rear 1 1/8). Make sure the fins are set parallel to each other. Set the front fins at 8 degrees, and set the back fins at 6 degrees. Also make sure you put the big fins in the front and the smaller ones in the rear.