Quad Fin Setup

I have been experimenting with quad fin setups for about a year now and through Swaylocks users, thank you very much and other info available on the internet was able to settle on a certain setup and stick with it for 3 high-performance shortboards, 2 6’0" and 1 5’10". I can supply these dimensions at a later date, if any readers are interested.

I did not experience the difficulties of going backside as most quad users attest to or any tracking feeling and was very happy with the results until I tried a 5’8" Lost Shark Quad and experienced a slightly different feeling, which was due to many differences in board design, fin setup, fins, materials, etc… but I didn’t have a chance to measure out the fin dimensions. The next board is going to be a 5’5" x 19.25" x 2.25", basically a copy of the Lost RNF and I would really like to try the same fin setup or at least compare the differences between my current setup and the Lost setup.

Just look at a few waves in the Chris Ward part in Separate Volume to see the different lines this type of board can draw on a wave, it is incredible.

Measurements I am interested in:

 *Board dimensions 

 *Distance from stringer to inside of front and back fins 

 *Distance from rail to inside of front and back fins 

 *Distance from center point to front of front fin 

 *Distance from front of front fin to front of back fin 

Any other comments, insight or info are welcome.



stick the image in aku shaper and you can probably map the specs out fairly close.


