I recently put a crack in the tail of my board, approximately 6 inches up the rail from the tail, through both FCS plugs and extending about 16 inches on the same angle as the plugs. The two plugs also came very close to pulling through the board, so the traction pad has to be removed as well.
I was using FCS H-2 Medium fins, both front and rear and was powering through a large cutback at the time of the crack. The board stuttered and I thought I broke a fin, but it was actually a very large crack. I have never broken a board before and this is my first quad fin, only about 1 month old. Is it possible that the extra cant built into the H-2’s puts too much force on the rail and that caused the crack?
I am going to salvage the traction pad, but since it is an epoxy board, are there any specific glues or epoxy’s I should use to adhere the pad?
The crack does look like it started at the rear side fin, but I can’t be certain. I didn’t crash right away and continued to surf for a couple more turns and that might have increased the size of the crack.
Any insight on fin choice as a cause or what adhesive to use for my tailpad?
The foam is a US blanks PU (red density) and it’s glassed with 4oz bottom and 2 x 4oz on the deck using Resin Research epoxy. The H Pattern (plugs) do not go right through to the deck.