Question about Axson Epolam

Hi fellow shapers!

Just found a local supplier of Axson epolam. They’re based in France. I did a search, some used axson epolam 2015 resin for surfboard glassing. 


Any of you guys have experience using axson? I’ll also post the datasheet later.



this resin looks to be a no go

post curing

amine hardeners

if you are in france [update your profile please] why not by resin research from seabase?

or even sicomin surfboard resin from auta cores?



here’s the datasheet:


I’m from the philippines, btw.


The guys at the store gave me a sample of the 2015 resin and 2015 hardener, the resin flows thin, and the hardener’s clear though gel time was too slow, about 6hrs. Another hardener, the 2014 hardener (with a slight amber color) has a gel time of 2.5hrs, according to them.


We don’t have resin research here and axson’s the clearest lam I’ve seen so far. they said that some of their clients ue it for marine stuff. Shipping here is a pain in the a$$ so I think I’m gonna stick with what we have, at least for now. I wanna learn about this resin, if any of you have tried glassing a whole board with this stuff.



Ask your supplier if they can get you the RSF 816 resin from Axon. You will also want their accelerator Epolam 2020. Download the datasheets from the net.

thanks for the suggestion cesar.

checked with my supplier, they have the rsf816. no 2020 though.

given the super slow gel time, does this mean i can glass a whole board (deck and bottom) during this period? I’m doing cutlaps btw.



28 mn pot life at 25° isn’t super slow for glassing surfboards. Specially in the Philippines where I suppose it can get pretty warm?

I would definitely use the RS816 and not the 2015. The 2020 accelerator would be handy to speed up fill/seal coats but you can definitely use the 816 without it.


it can get pretty hot in here, no need to warm the resin pre glassing. they’re sending me a sample of the 816, i’m gonna do some test glass with both 816 and 2015. can i also gloss this stuff?



the 2015 hardener. it’s colorless, though a little slower than the 2014 hardener which is light amber. i’m also using it with the 816 resin.


You should use the RSF 816 hardener instead of the 2015. The 2015 is twice as viscous and four times slower!

Check the TDS:


okay. i’ll ask if they also have the 816 hardener. they said they’re going to send me a set. i assumed the set includes the 2015 hardener coz that’s what it says in the previous datasheet that i saw.



Which hardener are you using for the 2015?