I know this isn’t a shaping question but I was curious if anyone knew of a good forum for “specifically surfing questions?” Maybe you can help? Why are some spots better on an incoming tide and some on an outgoing tide? When they say it’s good on a medium tide would you take the average low and the average high and take a mid figure? Why are some spots just more damn fickel than others as far as tides? Thanks. I dont care what Im riding as long as the waves are good!
its all geographical… theres a spot in south australia the swell has to travel down a corridor to hit a section of coast if the tides going out it just rips the swell away and it cant get in and is majorly weakend .another spot i know is near a rivermouth the outgoing tide interferes with the incoming swells but on an incoming tide the swells approach unhindered .yet another spot near a man made channel gets better on an outgoing tide coz the water rushing out slows the swells and makes them bend in toward a different peice of reef that works real well but on an incoming tide the swells continue without bending and changing direction and hits a softer section that isnt as good …every place has its own set of unique circumstances… regards BERT
the best forum for that kind of question would be www.sunsetsurf.com they got a low tide only break there. Many people with years of exp. on this one.>>>I know this isn’t a shaping question but I was curious if anyone knew of a >good forum for “specifically surfing questions?” Maybe you can help? Why are >some spots better on an incoming tide and some on an outgoing tide? When they >say it’s good on a medium tide would you take the average low and the average >high and take a mid figure? Why are some spots just more damn fickel than >others as far as tides? Thanks. I dont care what Im riding as long as the >waves are good!
There’s a book tiled “Surf Science” written by a British oceanographer named Tony Butt, that has a lot of very good explanation of wave dynamics, covering tides, wave genesis and propagation, bottom contours and winds. It just came out last year, so it’s probably relatively easy to get a hold of a copy (try google search or that website named after a river). He also has a column in the Surfer’s Path, which is to come out in an American edition starting soon, edited by Drew Kampion. Ought to be good…and by the way, thanks Bert, that answer helped me a lot in my attempt at getting all this stuff wired.