Question for Jim Phillips

Which epoxy do you prefer and why? Greg Loher’s or the XRT resin at Epoxy Pro? I know both are in the top 3 of resins. No hard feeling to anyone, just an opinion, Jim…

I can’t wait to surf my board. That shape is fantastic. Man-o-man. I hope it’s ready soon. How long should I really wait to let it cure after it’s done?

Honestly, I haven’t ever used XTR’s resin, I have had then lam boards for my Japanese market with it. I have used Greg’s resin since the mid eighties and until his surfacing agent became availible, epoxies were a pain in the butt. The actual lamination is a piece of cake, but the saning is where it became torture. Un-additive F epoxy resin is like sanding really tough laminating resin, I used to used #80 wet or dry, wet, and it was still hard to sand. But the new rsin is so easy to deal with

Thanks Jim. The advent of Addtive F was such a breakthrough for us. I love hearing peoples reaction to the advantages it creates. Also the introduction of our new fast hardener made the timing similar to poly which is still what this industry is based on.

Jim, Thanks for the input. I really appreciate old timers with so much experience who actually share information. You should be a highlighted shaper on a shaper’s history video type of thing. Guys like you make it worth coming to this sight. GREG, thanks for making epoxy easy to work with.