Question for Swaylock

Swaylock, First off, thanks for a great site! Question: Is there any way of inserting some Java into the posts? Say the occasional applet. I realize I can refer people to another site, but it would be more convenient to be able to ‘post’ the applet along with the message. The applets will allow me to make some calculations interactive; allowing for anyone who’s curious to screw around with the numbers (scenarios.) If you’re wondering what’s motivating this request, its in regard to a thread I’m working on about surfing energetics. (Working title, Rocket Science: Surfing, a little(?) more than a ‘Gravity Sport’.) Of course, applets are not critical, and I will make do if the service is not available. (But they are fun.) Please note, I’m asking, before trying anything. (I figure its only polite.) At this point I’m not even sure how it might work, the insertion that is. I’m quessing that the way things are set up now is that ‘Optional Image URL’ will reference a image URL only, not an Applet URL. Kevin


HUH? Right now we can post pictures (more or less static images.) Applets would allow people to post little programs that people could interact with, like change the height of wave, or angle of approach to a reef, to see how it might change the down-the-line speed of the curl (and of the surfer trying to make the wave.) Or, if you’re into big ‘Airs’ it might tell you how much height you might be able to achieve, or how to get the energy to do it. … lots of fun… at least when you’re not surfing, or board building. (Or dealing with clients who say things like, 'How come the Gordon and Smiths don’t have air bubbles, if they happen all the time and don’t mean anything?.. answer, “Alright, alright, I’ll take $15 of the price, but that’s it.”) Kevin

Kevin, My first guess is that the discussion board doesn’t allow posting of applets. Is it online yet? Do you have a link to it? Perhaps you can email it to me if not. I’ll run a few tests. It may take a little while. :wink: thanks, Mike

BIG BROTHER has finally had it with all the top secret info we’re spreading here. The Spies have gathered enough information and the Special Forces have been sent in to plant “little programs” into the swaylock system. Soon viruses will spread like wildfire and valuable posts will begin self-destructing one by one, bringing the REVOLUTION down once and for all!!! JUST KIDDING!!! You been postin’ some primo stuff K.C…. looking forward to what you have for us next.

Kevin,>>> My first guess is that the discussion board doesn’t allow posting of > applets. Is it online yet? Do you have a link to it? Perhaps you can email > it to me if not. I’ll run a few tests. It may take a little while. ;-)>>> thanks, Mike No, not yet, when I was making up some tables the thought occured to me ‘why not automate.’ I will write them anyway and refer people to the site where I will store them, its just that hopping around to different URLs, breaks the flow of thought… also people trust your site… (so, maybe I should decline the request when you think about it.) If anything changes let me know, but do not break a sweat over this… come down on the side of doing nothing, if it requires any effort. Kevin

BIG BROTHER has finally had it with all the top secret info we’re > spreading here. The Spies have gathered enough information and the Special > Forces have been sent in to plant “little programs” into the swaylock > system. Soon viruses will spread like wildfire and valuable posts will > begin self-destructing one by one, bringing the REVOLUTION down once and > for all!!!>>> JUST KIDDING!!! You been postin’ some primo stuff K.C…. looking forward to > what you have for us next. Be afraid, but you’ve lifted the wrong rock… its just me under here. I recommend re-reading the ‘Greetings from Tiwan’ thread… now that’s scary and its looks like it just might be what all those shop keepers have been looking for, an even cheaper source of surfboards and bonus!, these will come with their own little logo on them too. (Thanks about the posts.) Kevin

'How come the Gordon and Smiths don’t have air bubbles, if they happen all the time and don’t mean anything?.. answer, “Alright, alright, I’ll take $15 of the price, but that’s it.”)…NOW, THAT IS FUNNY. how true!