Do you have many video resources to help with glassing? I’ve got Glassing 101, another glassing segment on a separate video (Carve It Up) & the vids posted on Swaylocks and they helped HEAPS!!
Seeing glassing on video is much better than reading about it, and I hear that seeing it first hand is so much better again than seeing it on video.
Also, I use UV cat and don’t have to watch the clock and rush. How about you?
By the time i glassed my third board i was getting pretty good results. I’m still learning though. Watching a pro first hand has been the biggest help to me.
i graasped the concept my dad did with me the first ding repair on a skimboard so i got ritght then glaasing is stil not the easiest thbing in the world, we will see how my boards turn out before i say more
my first glassing attempt was a complete disaster. of course the resin kicked off early and it was a 10 ft log. Now i look back and cant believe that i had trouble with a single layer of 6 oz freelap board. Now glassing is just pure fun for me. I can actually slow down and show people exactly what im doing. Once you get in “the zone” its extremely easy to do. Then you can start getting into tints and crazy stuff like this fish.
When you get to double tints and a 5 color marble swirl bottom…even i start to sweat it. haha.