Does anyone know what this is? I bought it from a garage for $100. It’s 11ft 21inches wide and about 4.25” thick. It’s got some odd handles glassed into the sides. Just looking for some information on this beast. Thank you!
Does anyone know what this is? I bought it from a garage for $100. It’s 11ft 21inches wide and about 4.25” thick. It’s got some odd handles glassed into the sides. Just looking for some information on this beast. Thank you!
It looks like a lifeguard paddle/rescue board to me. I think Phil Becker used to shape some like that for LA County lifeguards but they were a different color.
I was thinking the same thing, a rescue board for lifeguards. or a paddleboard. Most likely a paddleboard. The rescue boards used to have real handles for the person being rescued to hold.
I thought the same.
Paddle - rescue.
OR a sweet tandem board with some grab notches for the front monkey.