questions about templates, rocker and foils

I just picked up shaping 101 and got everything except a few things, when you make a template and cut it out do make thed nose a tip or blunt it. In the video he makes the nose blunted, then when making the rocker and foil it all of a sudden appears pointed, when do you do this? Do you do it with a planner and just eyeball it? Thank you to everyone so far for all of your help.Next pay day Ill pick up glassing 101, then tools and hopefully get started in about 6 weeks on my first board.

I forgot to ask do you folks cut out you nose pointed or blunted like JC.

Best to draw your template, and outline your blank, just the way it is. No guessing, thinking, or estimating.

Do as you like, remember pointy could be pointing at your eyes when you wipe out.


I forgot to ask do you folks cut out you nose pointed or blunted like JC.

circumcision is a ceremonial custom of my people…cut that tip!

ouch…nearly the same pain as cutting off your nose, I’d imagine !


puts a whole new slant on your avatar 'tip time ’ photo, don’t it ?

hurts less when you’re only 8 days old, i imagine…and drunk on manishewitz. to be perfectly honest, i don’t remember the experience at all. and i suppose it’s a good explanation for why them jew-folk are just a cut above the rest (haha…i made a pun). snip snip.

i have a t-shirt with a pic of a loaf of challah bread on it and it reads “pre-sliced for your convenience”…maybe that’s why all the ladies love the cute jewish boys. :smiley:


Point the tip. The very last thing you do while fine sanding is square off the tip. There will be a little flat spot at the tip when looking from the side. Take this down from the deck to where there is very little or no flat spot left. During glassing it will thicken up a bit to be just right