Rack Surface

I have racks made of wood and they seem to work well for the garagist but I am getting pressure dents in the foam and on the hotcoat.


What can I put on top of the racks to make a soft & smooth surface?


strips of carpet works


By the way people, this is a board completely done with no outside help or tutalage


Fricken nice red resin lam there Wit!


Watch out boys,,, here she comes

carpet, foam padding, yoga mat, the padding that people use in showers, just about anything you want that is nice and soft

more comprehensive answer: visit the back of any carpet store a few times if necessary. They usually have customers where they replace the carpet

every 3-4 years and less. Lots of good pieces in the big trash bins there. Bringing a razor blade with you is not a bad idea.


You can nail and/or duct tape the carpet onto the rack.If not sure, duct tape first, nail later.

What I've done that works great on the shaping rack is using the interlocking foam floor padding made for kids.  Here is the trick.  You can cut this stuff with a razor and assemble it using contact cement.  On glassing racks I use pipe insulation wrapped with masking tape.

thanks for the suggestions, i appreciate it!


thank you, i am a champ! :slight_smile:

the outline was done with a fishing pole hehehe

As said above;  Pipe insulation with a few wraps of masking tape. Add a few more wraps every so often.  Nice work on that board girl.  You may want to come up with a separate glassing rack.  Couldn't tell exactly what you are using there.

Cheapo yoga mats. A 5mm ( 1/4 octopus tentacle widths for you non metric peoples ) one costs about 5 bucks here.

wit ,


got piles of stuff here that would work well.


oh ya i like your racks...........



oh ya i like your racks...........


I have been restraining myself from making such comments.   (But I was sure thinking it!)

I’ve tried a few things over the years.  Some yoga mats are too stiff and will actually dent the blank when it is up on edge.  I have resorted to soft foam from an upholstery store.  The sleeves of an old wetsuit hold the foam in place nicely.  I keep this clean when I am doing ding repair (old wax) by draping my racks with white towels. 

Check this out dude; I agonized over the same thing until I tried using swim noodle foam…no shit… the stuff is soft and fairly durable…I bought the wide noodles and cut em in half and used tape and zip ties to hold em to the wood…got mine at Sports Authority…we also use the same foam to pad our roof racks…attach said foam to rack and wrap with black pipe insulation tape…every canoe rack on Maui is done like this…chow!!!

there are some good ways to do it on here.

for shaping rack, i use eggcrate foam or carpet backing foam. people are always throwing that stuff out.

for glassing, i use small sqaures of foam from offcuts to start and then tape builds up on top of that.

Ah you guys (bill and herb) are just too funny! 

but I appreciate the help and working on it now. 

no more dents for me! yay!