Rail bevels

I was wondering how some of you folks plan your rail bevels. pre-planned degree cuts with reference marks or straight eyeball? “fess up”…thanks, T.

I was wondering how some of you folks plan your rail bevels. pre-planned > degree cuts with reference marks or straight eyeball? “fess > up”…thanks, T. Tom V I cheat and use the tool I made from the 101 series called “fred”, two opposed short surform blades on a 30 degree angle / Holger

I was wondering how some of you folks plan your rail bevels. pre-planned > degree cuts with reference marks or straight eyeball? “fess > up”…thanks, T. I use reference marks. Not so much as to plan the number of degrees but to gage a full or nimble style rail. The closer they are, the fuller; the farther apart, the narrower(awesome use of the language, huh?). I had a chance to pick Wayne’s brain the other day and he advised me against using the fred tool as you are ‘locked in’ to a certain angle. He described to me an approach where you visualize the water flowing along and off the bottom- and using your surform in this manner. He emphasized the importance of the bottom rail line. OK i’ll fess up. I use the fred thing too. But I’m willing to learn. Wayne, are you out there ? You can describe this much better than I can. Help ?