randomly board builder interview

…stumbled upon this not so new interview with one of these two French guys that are well known now. At one point they did not know too much about boards, in couple of years they glassed a plenty and pour all their great creativity (in the glassing department) then all the other hipsters followed them; or try it.

May be Mcding, that think that the World starts and finish near his home can open a bit and see that the world is full of talented people. In this case (I am not associated to this guy) this and the other one, had enough luck; some remind unknown, but still there kicking but doing the real boards.

Also, he s not afraid to say couple of trues. Is all marketing and hype.

Check it out; is a short read.



the biggest true is…it’s only a surfboard.

A good read. Sounds like an interesting bloke. 

…hi BB30, what do you mean exactly?

Not only due to a surfboard is what put money on my pocket (and food on my table) but as a surfer; I do not want to buy a mass produced board (telling you what you should or do not use without any other chance; like with most things)



Just like you, I work not necessarily for the love of my work but for the love of providing for my family. To think you sell a surfboard to someone for good money then on top of that have a list of rules how they can treat said board seems very “no soup for you” kind of attitude.  No one except a fellow builder or yourself understands the work that went into the build. How the customer treats board may be cringe worthy, but out of your control. Of course some builds, super light, CF or where care and concern needs to occur with a board, is a case for only friends and family then. By all means, ding that crap out of your board, see the quality of the copy cats, only allows you to become the cream of the builders. In my experience most surfers are cheap. The customers and manufacturers you work for that don’t blink an eye over price or time are the ones you have to prove it to. And of course the warm fuzzy feeling you get for doing a good job, no matter what the job actually is. It is only a surfboard you know.

attached photo of my favorite customer on oahu.


I was lucky to have Paul glass a few boards of mine while he was working with Axel (Lorentz) in Bidart, five minutes from my shop. Best craftsmanship available then. I also purchased one of his drawings, the guy is an artist for sure.

…here is the other guy.

