Kendall has it right. Though I think B and C are equally bad, for different reasons. Probably the worst is dirty Acetone. It takes everything disolved in it right into your bloodstream, through your skin. Works much the same as DMSO, also a solvent.
True. We used to use TIDE laundry powder. Stinky odor, but would really get the resin off your hands. You could feel a strong exotherm when the water hit the powder.
I tend not to take chances and use the appropriate safety equipment.
my take was that dust on the skin can be irritaing but not really dangerous.
Resin on the skin is not too dangerous as long as you don’t use solvents to remove it which can act as a vehicle for nasties to get into your blood stream.
Thing is its easy to know when you’ve got stuff on your skin, but if your not wearing a well fitting face mask then you don’t always realise how much dust/fumes you’ve been breathing in.
Also I’d rate fibreglass dust higher that resin fumes again coz the smell you know they are there.
I’m not sure of the intensity of the chemicals in the vapours or how long they stay in your body or take to build up but I would assume glass dust would stick around longer as the particles are bigger, but I no chemist. Stay away from both.
You know that if you get MKPT in a cut its bad for you coz it stngs like F*@% but just coz you not in instant pain doesn’t mean something like dust is not going to build up and hurt you in the long run.