
Anyone have an opinion on this guy’s skills as a shaper. I’ve ridden a couple M10 boards and love them. Did this guy come out of nowhere or what? thanks

I personally don’t have any experience with these boards. But what’s really important is whether or not the board works for YOU; or for that matter, any shaper’s boards work for you. It doesn’t matter if this shaper is an unknown newbie, or an experienced pro. During your first rides, the board will tell the whole story. The proof is in the ride. I don’t mean to sound harsh about any of this, it’s just that I don’t believe the brand name or shaper’s name should determine everything in your chosing a quality board. There are plenty of small production shapers right here at Swaylocks that produce quality boards. Surfers should remain open minded when it comes to their equipment. Even the most well known and respected shaper can make a board that just won’t work for you. P.S. sorry about spoutin’ off. I wish I had input on this particular shaper. Anyone have an opinion on this guy’s skills as a shaper. I’ve ridden a > couple M10 boards and love them. Did this guy come out of nowhere or what? > thanks

Grant, I totally agree with you. i’ve ridden a number of boards that I considered to be dogs that were shaped by supposed “gurus”. I was just curious about this guy’s background. i know he’s a santa Cruz local, which probably explains why his board work so well at SC and Norcal breaks. jUst curious if he was groomed by one of the SC gurus i.e. haut, pearson, colletta, etc.

Jeff Rashe was a production shaper for Bob Pearson at Arrow for a long time-I think he started there pretty young 'cause he is still a pretty young guy.Pearson has a good eye for young talent and always seems to have a couple great(I mean great) young shapers cranking 'em out. Rashe’s boards(M10 logo) are highly thought of here in Santa Cruz,alot of the better shortboarders ride 'em.His factory/showroom is on Ingalls Street next to Ward Coffey,across from Hotline Factory.

i might be wrong but i thought his first name was spelled Geoffe.

Naw,you’re right,my bad