Rasta riding a single fin at Bondi.


Rasta was out at Bondi on a Dick Van Staalin single fin yesterday!!! Wish I would have been there too see it and surf my single fin!

he’s heading over too Hawaii today but i’ll send him an email and ask about the board. (and if he’ll ride it in hawaii.?)

here’s the photos by excellent Bondi Photographer Uge.

Yew? (Yo?)

Hey Sir young Josh,

I thought you might like to read my DVS interview

Go to :- http://www.allaboutsurf.com/0507/articles/dvs/index.php


I recognise Bondi, but the strangest thing is the clear water! Maybe Sydneys pollution people are on the job.


I remember your name, having hung out on P.I as a grommy , seeing the odd one of your boards for Island.

Anyway man I gather that you have been out of Aust for a while. So the news with Bondi is that the ocean outfall has been pushed miles out to sea, so the crap only hits the beach after a long onshore.

Spent my honeymoon at Bondi lately, and despite its reputation, is a nice place to visit and occasionally gets a decent bank…


hey josh, how old are you?

i can totally feel your stoke regarding your single fin. your all over it. i appreciate that. ive been feelin that way for 2 years riding boards with 1 fin.

your making me feel stoked as well.

Hi 516!

I’m 14 and love riding singles. glad to here you do too! I like it when theres talk about single fins and you see others riding them in the water too.

Cheers Mate!

Hi Speedy Josh!

I enjoyed your article with dvs. Great to see a recent interview with him. he’s making really nice groovy boards.

Great read!

Hi Wildy

They moved the sewer pipes at Bondi to around the headland about 5 years back or so and its been clean ever since. my parents all ways tell me the water used to be brown.

hard to imagine.

Thanks, I didn’t know that.

Interesting about the story behind Bondi’s waters . . .

Hey speedneedle Josh,


DVS experimented about aluminum skinned surfboards? I remember there was an article about a year or two ago about some guy in Australia that did that. Might have been DVS or someone else


Josh - I’ve followed media releases about your aluminium skinned boards. Are you still working with these?

Dick - No, patented by another guy. Worked unreal, but we can’t go with it anymore.

Did he elaborate on unreal?

I also saw one of those aluminum surfboard in Rasta’s quiver before too.


No, Dick did’nt elaborate on the aluminium skinned boards. I did’nt press him on that issue, in case it was a sore spot. Not for me to speculate.

I read a couple of mentions in mags years ago too, probably the same ones as you.

I can’t remember who the “…another guy…” is…

An aluminium skin would have no bounce back, in flex or dings… EVERY heel pressure, every dint…

But, aluminium and glass sandwich… hmmmm


Hey Speedneedle , That was an interesting article . My buddy had 3 custom made boards from him n we have NO surf here in Singapore … haaha.

the guy who patented and made the aluminium skinned boards name is Rob Hasted. he had DVS make a few as they were the only crew who knew anything about vacumn bagging up here then. actually Teena shaped a bunch of his (Robs) demo boards. we tried help him out with his project a bit but had too many other things going on at the time and not enough experiance with epoxy etc then. actually never got to ride the one we made for myself as he took it to a show and sold it before i had a ride. he moved to the phillipines to try and manufacture them with an old windsurfing maker but they got into making other things more financially returning than surfboards!