Rasta's Quiver in Transworld surf???

This guy really seems like fresh air .Has anyone seen his quiver in the rag transworld surf???Before you dismiss it,read what all the boards are made of!!!

ya, he’s got a load more boards than I could ever afford to keep for myself. The one that interested me was the one covered with the bamboo matting. In the article he said that there was only one other like it ever made!!??? anyways, I think that I’ve seen a few of those around. anyone on this forum have experience with laminating bambbo mats onto boards? does it go under the fiberglass? how exactly do you lay it up? it looks wicked-sweet, and i want to try it. Regards, Red

About four years ago I saw a bamboo mat laminated longboard at KKL in Oceanside. Donald Takayama came in and saw me looking at it. It was one of his shapes and he said he was experimenting with the bamboo lamination. Neat looking board, he said that they were real strong.

Dick Van Straalan who rast gets some of his boards off, does some funky shit with bamboo, aluminium and stuff.

I checked out Rasta’s new movie “Blue Horizons” made by Jack McCoy last night on the big screen. Rasta is ripping in everything from a 4’6" upward and all sorts of retro shapes, plenty of fish action. Its a great movie if you want to see the stark contrast between a real soul surfer like Rasta and the show pony tour boys. The theme follows Andy Irons and Rasta and there different approach to life and the ocean, check it out. Jack McCoy was MCing the gig…cool guy

I may be mistaken, but isn’t Rasta a spokesmodel for one of the huge clothing conglomerates? His pay cheque, I would imagine, looks exactly the same as Andy Irons’. I read some years ago how Rasta was so cosmic that he detested all things Western (did this include resins, blanks, power tools, neoprene and so on…) particularly Western medicine. So I was interested when recently he had a knee surgery performed by… you guessed it, a surgeon! No twigs or nuts and berries or chanting, good old technology in action. Having said that, people like him, or Donovan Frankenreiter, or Joel Tudor, who make there living surfing - what a great job! But don’t be deluded into thinking they’re anything more or less than what they are, athletes paid to promote a product.

fair point… You also have to wonder about the skin care products he endorses, but hey I’d swap my day job if someone offered me the remote chance of doing what I love in return for some paid humiliation…