Re-Glossing a Board

I have an old board that i am restoring but i am lacking on the materials to do a great job on the regloss process. The closest i have gotten is still alot duller than i desire. Any suggestions on process and materials to do get a shiny gloss coat?


Nevermind, i found my answer in the archive. Sorry im new to this site. It is great!

For what it’s worth, I’ve had good luck polishing an old gloss rather than redoing it. Use an aggressive polishing compound, at least to start with, even wet sand from 300 grit down to 600 then polish if you have to.

hope that’s of use


what kind of polsihing compund do you suggest and what speed did you run at when sanding?

Thanks your your help!

Let’s see ( dash down to cellar, where I keep the stuff ) that was … ( reading off the can)

3M Marine Finesse-It Paste Compound ( white) , 3M part # 06039… this stuff

Though to tell you the truth I wasn’t terribly impressed with it. I think the polishing compounds you’ll find on the Fiberglass Supply tools page or something similar would do at least as good a job and somewhat faster. And less heat buildup. Though avoid car rubbing compounds that are pink or reddish, they can stain the glass somehow or other, I suspect they’ve got red rouge-type abrasives in 'em.

Speed used while buffing? …I dunno, something under 2000 RPM on an 8" buffing wheel, I used the 3M Hookit SBS system setup and a Milwaukee 6080 sander/grinder with the speed adjustment set at 2 or lower and was blipping the trigger to keep the speed down.

Wet sanding by hand…the little air-powered jitterbug sander I tried for wet sanding with power wasn’t a whole lot of use ( 1/8 sheet, would you believe it? ) , hand wet-sanding was faster and much, much quieter .

That prolly wasn’t a whole lot of help, now was it…


Howzit singlefin, Shurlustre is what you want and I know that Fiberglass hi. carries it. Ask your materials supplier about it. Aloha, Kokua