The Guild of Swaylocks: “An association of men belonging to the same class, or engaged in kindred pursuits, formed for mutual aid and protection; i.e., the Ironmongers’ Guild. They were originally licensed by the government, and endowed with special privileges and authority.” Like Im still waiting to be endowed with my especial privilages and authority- when do they start kickin in?? Anyone out there know what it
s like to have class? Too cool!! Dharmon
The Guild of Swaylocks:>>> “An association of men belonging to the same class, or engaged in > kindred pursuits, formed for mutual aid and protection; i.e., the > Ironmongers’ Guild. They were originally licensed by the government, and > endowed with special privileges and authority.”>>> Like I
m still waiting to be endowed with my especial privilages and > authority- when do they start kickin in?? Anyone out there know what it
s > like to have class? Too cool!!>>> Dharmon Once upon a time a long time ago we tried to form an organization called “Brotherhood Union of Surfboard Tradesmen” (B.U.S.T.)but nobody would trust us with the dues money.Lets get some Tshirts made and sell em on Swaylocks…give Mike tha money for site work…he’s more trustworthy…R.B.
Like I
m still waiting to be endowed with my especial privilages and > authority- when do they start kickin in?? Anyone out there know what it
s > like to have class? Too cool!!>>> Dharmon I don’t know about class, but I’m told I’m endowed…so respect my authorita
Once upon a time a long time ago we tried to form an organization called > “Brotherhood Union of Surfboard Tradesmen” (B.U.S.T.)but nobody > would trust us with the dues money.Lets get some Tshirts made and sell em > on Swaylocks…give Mike tha money for site work…he’s more > trustworthy…R.B. Howzit Cleanlines, I think that’s a great idea, I’m interested. Aloha, Kokua
Howzit Cleanlines, I think that’s a great idea, I’m interested. Aloha, > Kokua Go for it Kokua I don’t have any kind of copyright on it…just a dumb idea that floated around a long ago factory.I bet they would sell…just remember Swaylocks.I hereby order two xlarge or xx large depending on gut factors…R.B.
Howzit Cleanlines, I think that’s a great idea, I’m interested. Aloha, > Kokua That sounds great about the t-shirts I had a screen printing business for about 10 yrs still have some equiptment will get to work on that. Plus have a good friend who does embroidery maybe we can get some hats done too?? Please respond if I should pursue this? Mark Scott
Yes, why didn’t these materialize the last time there was interest. What a great way to support Swaylocks and to keep the dust off. I’d like some longsleeves. Anyone else? Rob Olliges
I’d like to see a t with the old logo of the surfboard and Swaylocks that used to be on the top of the page. white, fruit of the loom hef-t. I’ll take 2 short sleeve, one long. how bout it Mike?
I’ll take an xl and a med, long sleeve.
If the shirts are to be sold, would it be possible to make Swaylocks some kind of not for profit organization? It might simplify things for dealing with the beauracracy. I very seldom use this word but I hate 'em! The tee shirt idea is great one. Frankly I think if it cost’s $10.00 to produce a quality tee it seem appropriate to follow suit with the rest of the garmet industry and sell them keystone to those who want them-- that’s 100% mark up. I’d be glad to purchase a hooded sweat shirt, long sleeved and short sleeved tee with this mark up. It would go to an excellent cause as far as I’m concerned. Mahalo, Rich
I’d like to see a t with the old logo of the surfboard and Swaylocks that > used to be on the top of the page. white, fruit of the loom hef-t. I’ll > take 2 short sleeve, one long. how bout it Mike? How bout I do the original art. I’m a pretty good one finger painter … have fun
I know that Coral is the one to do the T shirt design. She told me she would love to do it. Some others will have to come up with the printing and material costs. Break out the dough boys, Mike’s already put down with his bad self.>>> How bout I do the original art. I’m a pretty good one finger painter … > have fun