Re-shape Yater into a Thrailkill

I am posting my project to say thank you to Bill who has helped me out quite a bit with many different aspects of building and shaping.  

Over 10 years ago my friend traded me a POS board that I made for a vintage Yater which I made water tight and surfed.  Not too long into my first session I lost it into the rocks while surfing high tide Hobson’s which broke a good portion of the nose off.  Finished the session having fun on 3/4’s of a board.  After that it traveled with me from place to place.  Knowing that I was going to make it a rider again but never sure what to make.

Winter 2013 I was surfing VLand on the wrong board and going insane and at that point I contacted Bill for some help.  He was extremely patient with me and generous with his knowledge.  

The board is 7’10’’ about 21’’ wide 3’’ thick.  The blank was too short, too narrow, separating from the stringer and of course…yellow.  To get the length and width I added wood to the nose, tail and stringer.  While everything was apart I was able to get the rocker to the best possible curve.  At the end of it all Bill gave me some numbers to try and hit the template with and I got close but the blank dictated the overall shape.  

Glassing schedule is 6oz t/b with a 7.5oz volan deck patch and tail patch.

Pics say the rest. 

Thanks for your help Bill.



Vintage Brewer template I hope to try.  Made this as well.  Mahogany and Spanish Cedar

Reverse D gun template


Headed to the Oahu on Monday.

Great work getting that old clunker into shape, looks very cool and amazing fin builds, wow !

And that cats damn proud of the board you made for her !


What wood did you use for the nose and tail Block?  The work is beautiful. 



Thanks guys. The wood is reclaimed barn wood from here in Oregon. I think it is Dug Fir. The orignal stringer is redwood/balsa. I chambered the stringer and dropped theweight from 8 to 4 lbs. One of the inner chamber pieces from the original stringer was used with the reclaimed wood for the tail. Nose is balsa and reclaimed wood.

very clean, looks awesome

single fin, or twin singles?

Single. That would be cool to try the brewer and reverse d at the same time. Just on box for me


Nice save. 

Saw Warrior1515, David, this morning in the water. He had this board and it was a really nice looking board. Low rocker and well made! It looks just as nice in person as it does in the photos. Kinda think the reverse D fin is a bit too much fin, maybe for a big day it would be OK.

Sorry I didn’t spend more time talking with you, I like sitting way off to the side where I was compared to where you guys were. Too bad the waves didn’t come in too. I hope you guys have been able to score some better waves than this morning. At least the water was glassy today.

Surfed with JT1 of swaylocks this morning too. He had a 9-2 Robin Mair quad.