
I have two old pop-out wind-surf boards which were left in the house I moved in to.

I have no use for them as they are so I am thinking about stripping the plastic off cutting a stringer in to the foam and then shaping it to a surfboard. (tinkering around)

What glue should I use to stick the stringer?  And how do I know if the foam is urathane or styrene?


Polystyrene is made of small balls compressed together. If you scratch it, it breaks into small balls that stick to everything. On the opposite, polyurethane is made of small cells. If you scratch it, it turns into dust. Urethane or “Elmer’s glue” are both usable with both foams.

Thanks for the reply Balsa.

This now leads me to another question. Is elmers glue the same as PVA?