Re: skip frye fish

First,IMO, 9 inch base is a little much. If you were knee riding it would > be ok. Plus or minus 8 inches for me seems to work well. Also, with that > much base it’s a good idea to make the fins thicker with marine plywood, > Fins too thin with these bases will cavitate.>>> aloha and Happy Holidays!!! Tom …The Lis fish has double foiled fins on them,unlike most fish that have flat sided inners.Herb

…The Lis fish has double foiled fins on them,unlike most fish that > have flat sided inners.Herb Yes that’s the key, Marine Ply double foiled, 1" Rake toed in 1/8", 4 degree cant around a slight single tail concave, never went so fast in my life. Good luck, Larry G. has a bigger demand than he’s willing to supply!!!