Re: You need help to escape?

I know Jet Li,I help him come to American,make movies not surfbords.You > work for long job? This is another example of spoiled white boys playing with racial slander. The world is too small for this kind of humiliation.

. My brethren, The time has come to end these disrespectful racial slander…We are all Allahs children black, white, asian, etc. Don’t let the white man dictate the plite of asians on this site…We must stand together, unite as a people and fight this oppression by any means necessary… X

J.B.,I think it was a set-up from the start(poorly planned,stupid,jokes).>>>>>>>>Howz it over there?any waves?..I hear the trades are blowing strong.Hapa-Herb

Give me a freakin break…I saw you boards at costco…My uncle needs a liver…got any heathly relatives on death row? I hope your offended by this…we are not all Americans. We all have different values…peace

Values are not equal.