Recap on SUP division in contest.....

I’m so beat right now! 5 days surfing my brains out and training on Kauai then into a contest which was held at Queens by the Christian Surfers in Hawaii. I was very reluctant as I haven’t entered a contest in over 20 years, don’t like sitting and waiting for a heat to surf 15 minutes, hate driving into Waikiki on a Sunday etc, etc, etc… To top it all off I was so burnt out from training and needed a day of rest… Quite a few of my friends were going so that pushed me over the edge to go…

I arrived at dawn to see perfect chest high sets peeling off at Queens… I paddled out on my new Prototype#5 9-6 SUP Fatso and got the feel of the wave before they started… My friends started showing up so I started to get into the vibe off the event and people around and the enjoyment meter started to rise… The waves were steady all day long and one thing is for sure… Queens has got to be one of the best longboarding waves on the South Shore of Oahu. It is a perfect little gem! All day long we were saying, “Look at that one! I hope we get those in our heat…” It was small but very nice…

After a couple more surfs at Canoes and Pops my heat rolled around. I was in the Masters SUP division for over 40 year olds. There was around 18 entrants. Enough for 3 heats to make it to the semi and finals. Only the first position in the heats go straight to the final while second and third go to the semi… We had the luxury of watching the first 2 SUP heats and saw what was looking good and bad… My friend Doug Lock absolutely killed it in the first heat with long nose rides, carves, switch stance cutbacks, spinners and a few paddle spins to boot… First place in his heat. Next up Brian Keaulana laid down some of the sickest stuff I’ve seen on a SUP. Heavy turns, nose rides, Helicopters etc… Hands down, winner of his heat…

After seeing what won heats I figured I’d just follow what they did. Well, I can’t surf like Brian K so I’d have to just try to get good waves and bust out the whole bag of limited tricks I got plus I had Todd Bradley in my heat with his 9-6" and he rips… Right off the bat I got a good wave… I nose rode it thru a nice fast section then a few carves into switch stance, spinner etc… I figured if it worked for Doug it should work for me… I got around 6 waves with 3 really good ones but everytime I was paddling back out Todd was on a good one too and ripping! In the end, I ended up winning the heat so I got to go straight to the final… I was starting to really feel tired so I was happy I didn’t have to do the extra surf even if the waves were good…

In the semi we watched Todd rip it up and Bobby Ah Choy get one the beach! He’s been doing SUP surfing since the 50’s! He advanced to the final at 60 something years old! Unfortunately he was so burnt out form surfing all day he passed on the final… So the 5 man final was set at 4 of us seeing who could beat Brian K! Hahahahaha! I mean, if you ever seen him surf SUP, you’d know what I’m talking about! Waves were still decent but I didn’t get the lined up ones I wanted which is the story of my contest life… To top it off, the wave of the heat which I was in position for reached me 5 seconds after the horn… Hahahaha!!! Of course Brian blew us all away with his unreal surfing… So it ended Brian Keaulana 1st. A guy named Corbin who got the best lined up waves 2nd. Doug Lock 3rd. Me 4th. Todd Bradley 5th and Bobby Ah Choy 6th.

More pictures to come but for now here’s a few…

Todd Bradley Carving…

Winner Brian Keaulana

Brian Keaulana took the 6th place trophy and gave his 1st place trophy to Bobby Ah Choy for his contribution

to Beach Boy Surfing which paved the way for all of us… A touching moment!

photos from

In the end I was so happy I was part of this. It was fun hanging all day with the boys and surfing while waiting for our heat. Even Terry Chung from Kauai was in town and came to check it out. He videoed our heats and tried my 9-6… We talked design on future SUP’s while checking out all the boards… The positive energy of the entire day made it worthwhile… I got to surf with great people who rip! I think I may surf more contests that have SUP divisions… They are fun and the vibe is very positive and all day people are checking each others boards and trading design knowledge… On the drive home something occured to me… I was the only guy in that final that shaped my own board… Ahwoooooooooooo!!!

Great coverage! Congratulations on making it to the finals. I haven’t seen Bobby Ah Choy for a while. I saw buddy Derrick out at Pop’s and Paradise warming up for his SUP heat. He lost a ton of weight and looks really good. He got paddling the 12’ Munoz down and I watch him take a few waves. He came a long way from the last time I saw him. You did a great job turning us all on to a great way of surfing!



Very cool

More pics, mahalo

Thanks Uncle D! Hope to surf with you on your SUP soon. The vibe with the SUP guys is so cool! In the other divisions boards are so similar that hardly anyone talks boards and design innovation. With us its so progressive at this time we are pioneering as we discuss things from paddles to rail designs to rockers and on and on… Terry Chung, Brian Keaulana, Todd Bradley etc are so positive to talk to about where we are heading and things that are possible… Everyone had good things to contribute all day long. I even got to talk at length about various big board rail designs with Bobby Friedman the Tandem guy. He and his wife Tiare are getting into SUP too… Tiare took 3rd in the under 39 SUP division… There were guys I never heard of competing in our division that surfed really good! There’s no stopping this now so let’s do our best to keep it positive and safe…

The 9-6 SUP… I took it to Kauai and had a blast on it. H2 sides with 7" Cutaway center

Along with my 3-4 hour morning surfs and 3 hours of swimming, this is one of the reasons I was so tired after Kauai…

Getting into the groove to build up my brain and body for next winter… I remember doing this when I

was a kid at Waimea Bay in the summer. Don’t remember feeling so tired afterwards!

i like reading (& seeing) what you get up to carve. you’re an inspiration mate.

Aloha Carve Nalu -

Congratulations on your continued achievements… Thanks a lot! Very, very cool.

Thanks guys! I’m stoked you guys dig this kinda stuff… More pics as I get them…

Here I’m getting ready to move up to the tip… This little wave had a really nice section that lined up ahead…

Paddling back out… I like this picture better than the surfing ones…

Left to right… Doug Lock, Me, Todd Bradley, Bobby Ah Choy, Brian Keaulana

unreal fun !

great to see water shots too , thanks !

"He videoed our heats and tried my 9-6’’

I would LOVE to see the video footage somehow one day ? reckon that would be somehow possible , Blane ?

cheers for that report …that was really nice of brian to give his trophy to bobby , I reckon !



A mate of mine helps run christian surfers comps on the south coast of New South Wales here in Oz , and they occassionally get a few wqs ‘pros’ rock up , because they enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and good vibe of the comps . I went in one once here , and it was a lot of fun ! beach bbq, girls heats , mal riding , a fancy dress "heat " too …

Very cool - so much aloha with that crew. Congrats on your results - must’ve been incredible to surf in that heat with such talent. So what’s the width on the 9-6 Fatso? I think I’d miss the glide of a big board on the mushier waves. Really interesting to see this “ancient sport that never was” evolve.


Very cool - so much aloha with that crew. Congrats on your results - must’ve been incredible to surf in that heat with such talent. So what’s the width on the 9-6 Fatso? I think I’d miss the glide of a big board on the mushier waves. Really interesting to see this “ancient sport that never was” evolve.

Thanks! 9-6 Fatso is right around 27" wide. At 4-3/4 thick, it still glides pretty good… It was so fun surfing with my friends out there. Just some minor tactics for waves but not the full contest aggro attack… Those guys are all cool in and out of the water. The only guy I never met was Corbin… I’ve seen him before though… Below is what I think is the best picture of the contest…

Is this a cool pic or what?!!! Go Corbin!!

photo is by Jamie Ballenger at


you are indeed a champ and you’ve got the result to prove it now! Awesome pics, makes me wish I was there and I love hearing about true old school gentlemanly behaviour like Brian’s. Pity all contests aren’t as fun as that!



you are indeed a champ and you’ve got the result to prove it now! Awesome pics, makes me wish I was there and I love hearing about true old school gentlemanly behaviour like Brian’s. Pity all contests aren’t as fun as that!

Well, I don’t know about the champ thing but yes to the contest thing… I just got more pics and it reminded me how enjoyable that day was… So much fun!!

One of the Haleiwa Blue Tent Crew… Derek Agaron gets a good one…

Stroking in…

Todd Bradley backside jamming…

A hop, skip and a jump in Waikiki…

Hardly the serene North Shore setting I’m used to!

The famous Royal Hawaiian Hotel in the background with the 9-6 Fatso in action…

You know I love this stuff Carve (if I am ever in your islands I wanna share some waves)!

But I gotta ask – how thick is that fatty?!

This 9-6 below is around 4-3/4" thick… A friend of mine loves it and is buying it from me…

I’m now riding a 8’8" SUP! Hahahaha! Tried it this morning and it works great!

shriek Run… Away… !

And how thick’s that one??

Hahahaha! 4-3/4" thick… I don’t know if its me or what but the 8’8" feels as stable if not more than the 9’6" Same width and narrower tail! I paddled it over a mile today and even had the confidence to paddle over very shallow sharp reef with little side chops while standing… On the waves it turns real quick! Can’t wait to try it in real waves…

Sounds like it was a blast Carve. My wife and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary staying in Waikiki that weekend. Stayed one night at the Sheraton and the second night at the Hyatt. I had a blast watching the scene unfold below me watching thru my binocs. Saw Ross K. SUP the first morning as he paddled out to Pops then Threes. Was’nt stoked that Three’s wasnt breaking that good but after seeing some of the morning regulars, I finally paddled out to say howzit. Queen’s was front and center the second day of our stay and saw some good surfing from all ages. I was most impressed with Tommy Chun Ming on his Surftech. The guy was all over it, frontside, backside, switch stance, noserides, his style a little busy for my liking, but he was all over the wave. I guess that was Terry Chung and his wife/gf walking ahead of us with the Kauai board and Tshirt as we walked back from the wall. We had to check out mid day and I guess I missed all the SUP action but besides playing tourist with the wife, it was fun watching all the people learning how to surf. Nice to see smiles and hear hoots of stoke for a change. Brought me back to why we all do this in the first place.

Howzit foamdust… Next time I think I’ll do the same. Just take my family and stay at a hotel right there especially if there is a good swell running… Driving all the way down there and finding parking is my least favorite part. It would be way cool to wake up and look at it out the window then walk down to the car and grab your boards… I already talked to a few of the guys and we agreed that we have to do the next one just for the sheer fun factor!

Can’t see it but there is a smile on my face…

My friend Franco has the site He just put up some more pics… Some cool stuff! Uncle D, come join us next time!!! Soooo fun!!!

Undentified in perfect trim with awesome style!

Bruddah John Q with his 2x6 classic paddle… Ahwooooo!

Brian K blowing minds…

Bobby Ah Choy… 64 yrs old, boat oar paddle, and a perfect little gem of a wave!!

Gary Shounk soulful bottom turn…

Here I’m re-directing some energy…

Todd Bradley on the nose…