recycled polystyrene surfboard/first surfboard build

Here’s my progress so far at making a board out of old fruit boxes from some dumpsters, and my attempts at every other part of making a board.

Looking good. Not always practical to piece things together but it can have its own rewards.
Sharkcountry just did a similar build.
If you can, make some shaping stands and rig some side lighting, it will really help you see to make getting things smooth and even easier.
PS Love the RIB, are you a sailor/fisher/diver?

What are you using to glue the sheets together?

Welcome to the insanity of making surfboards from recycled foam. Looking good, but I wouldn’t work so close to the AC unit. The foam beads may get pulled into the fan.

Looks like you’re using the same kinds of tools I used for my first several boards. One tool you should make is a strip of 36 grit sanding belt stapled to a piece of 2"x4"x24" lumber. Good that you have a stringer, looks like it had the rocker precut.

ooorrrrghghghghhhhh yeeeeaaahhhh!

Hey all,
jrandy piecing it together was such a pain and its left a fair few gaps that made shaping a bit tricky. had to use a fair bit of filler haha. Thanks for the advice, i whipped up a little bay in the garage. It’s my housemates boat and we attempt to fish with out much luck.

stoneburner i just used pva, seems to work fine. used polyurethane glue for the stringer.

sharkcountry I’ll try and track yours down and have a look, i was wondering if anyone had, had any success with it. I’d only rough cut the stringer which was a huge mistake, very annoying to shave down. the paper on the block worked a treat, thanks.

Here’s some more progress.

“Here’s my progress so far at making a board out of old fruit boxes from some dumpsters”…
I love stuff like this! Keep at it, you’re almost finished (with shaping.) I’m following this one. So much EPS foam goes to waste! I see molded packing foam all the time getting tossed out.

I’ve made several boards gluing up small pieces of EPS. Did two with a lot of 1" thick pieces glued up perpendicular to a precut stringer, and I did one with 2" thick pieces glued inline with the stringer. Due to past experiences, I try to avoid sanding through a scarf. I also like to use a single long piece of foam for the rails whenever possible.
If I do another one, I’ll probably go back to making the foam perpendicular to the stringer.

if you look at the end of this thread there is a new version of an old board from two laminated sheets of eps scavenged from a skip bin.

Same question sk8. What did you use to glue your sheets together?

Shark country, those boards look great. I wish id thought of gluing it like that. I think it would be a lot easier. I’ve got a few buddies also making them like this and ill definitely be recommending it to them.

Loving that shape sk8ment!

planing on sealing the blank tonight, then epoxy on the weekend.

Routed out the fin box holes and ready to fibreglass.