red x

does anyone know of any los angeles area glassers who install red x fin systems. Would like to try them. thanxs

does anyone know of any los angeles area glassers who install red x fin > systems. Would like to try them. thanxs>>>Tom@daumtooling will most likely answer this with more detail.You can index the website for Red-X fins in the resources folder under building materials and supplies/ fins,Herb.

Aquatech in marina del ray. 310 5785860

how about glassers in orange county that do red x? anybody got a good place to go that’s backyard shaper friendly? my normal guy doesn’t do em…Tom@Daum

how about glassers in orange county that do red x? anybody got a good > place to go that’s backyard shaper friendly? my normal guy doesn’t do > em…Tom@Daum Basham’s in San Clemente does them.

Basham’s in San Clemente does them. how’s the glass job at bashams also what’s there average turn around time on a board.

how’s the glass job at bashams also what’s there average turn around time > on a board. Basham’s does a good job glassing they do Dev’s, Midget Smith, Dewey Weber, some Local Motion, Terry Senate’s, and numerous other local shapers. Their turn around is a couple of weeks typically. But, you can call them at 949-361-2203 and more accuarate turn around. Best to call between 2:00 & 6:00 P.M… I’ll get a list of glass shops in L.A. & Orange County and post it later today.

I’ll get a list of glass shops in L.A. & Orange County and post it > later today. thanks tom, Now i need to know which fin set to get. I surfed most of the fcs sets and narrowed it down to the gr rusty composites for me . Which of your fin sets would you recommend that would ride similar to the rusty’s. x6? thanks again

thanks tom, Now i need to know which fin set to get. I surfed most of the > fcs sets and narrowed it down to the gr rusty composites for me . Which of > your fin sets would you recommend that would ride similar to the rusty’s. > x6? thanks again Probably the X-8 would have a similar amount of volume as the Rusty template. We have not produced a Rusty template to date, because we are waiting on Rusty to authorize us to do so.

thanks tom, Now i need to know which fin set to get. I surfed most of the > fcs sets and narrowed it down to the gr rusty composites for me . Which of > your fin sets would you recommend that would ride similar to the rusty’s. > x6? thanks again Here’s a list of shops in Southern L.A. and Northern O.C. that install the Red X system. Aqua Tech galssing-Santa Monica San Pedro Surf Shop-San Pedro Ultra glassing-Willimington ZJ Glassing- Long Beach Precision Glassing=Westminster Chuck Dent Glassing-Huntington Surf Prescriptions-Huntington Estrats ( Mike Estrada)-Costa Mesa