New to Swaylocks, but I thought this would be a good place to share my newest project.
I built a hollow redwood strip paddle surf board. It’s 12’ long 29" wide, and weighs 29 lbs. I designed
the board shape on a program called Solidworks, from the 3D model I built stations every 16".
Using the strong back and stations method I striped out the bottom half then the deck. I fiberglassed both interior surfaces,
and added threaded inserts, fin boxes and vent hole.
This is where things became interesting.
I epoxied 150 carbon tubes vertically into one half and made 150 telescoping ferrules. Next
I glued each ferrule into each tube, I then place the two halves together compressing each tube
set to the proper length, and let it cure. After it dried I took the top off and placed a glob of epoxy filler on each peg and
put the two halves back together. The hard part done, I then planed and sanded the outer shape, added
nose and tail caps, and glassed the exterior.
The tubes act as a honeycomb type grid. All together the tubes and epoxy to glue them weigh less than two pounds vs
10+ pounds for a foam core, so there is potential weight savings there.
The paddle I pieced together from a carbon canoe paddle and a thin wall carbon tube I had around.
It weighs only 15 ounces.
I just went out for my first wave session today, and I am so stoked! This board is really fun!
I can only attach three photos but if anyone want more I can post them.