Repair help....?

Aloha, I need some help and suggestions, I have an epoxy board(G.Loehr) snapped off clean about 12"-14" from the nose,it has a pvc stringer.I have repaired dings before but nothing this drastic.Whats the best,strongest,lightest fix possible? As I said,snapped clean,no pulled or shredded glass,fits perfectly back together. Another quick question,I am going to finally,after many years hesitation,shape a board. I want the finished board to be 7’-7’2" long,I want it light and strong,moderate to low rocker. My question is what blank do I use to accomplish this…suggestions? I looked at a site( I believe) but was quickly overwhelmed with choices.Many mahalos…

I don’t know about your broken board but, check out the 7’3" blank from I don’t know what you are trying to shape but this blank has a lot of foam and a low rocker. I going to shape a retro board with this blank soon. Stay Solid

Soulshine,thanks I’ll look at the blank.Probably going to be a funshape of some sort.Anyone have any ideas for the repair? Also the break is 90deg,straight across the board.How do I prep the foam? Is there a glue to use for the foam? Once I get is sanded/prepped and ready to glass,how many layers and of what weight? How far should I overlap the break? Thanks…

I don’t know but what you could try is wood dowels eitherside of the stringer into the foam, then epoxy or gorilla glue together. Then glass around the break with epoxy.Some cab-o-sil might help when joining together. I have never dealt with a pvc stringer before.Good Luck Stay Solid

SS thanks,I appreciate the help/ideas…any other glassers/repair people?