Repairing Collectable Boards

I’m not into board collecting, but I’ve come to possess a board (made in '68) that has a lot of historical signifigance to me and the community I live in, as well as (probably) a pretty high dollar value. I plan to keep it in my workplace, don’t have any plan to sell it. It is in generally good condition with a few small/moderate dings. I repair boards for a living and am capable of doing the best possible repairs, can match Q-cel color to yellowed foam etc., BUT…is a collectable board more valuable unrepaired and thus in “original” condition, but in less ridable condition, or with expert repairs made to the point of watertight ridability? Thanks for your ideas.

That’s a good question. I know a collector who likes 'em original right down to old dirty wax. Others paid high prices at the Brawner auction for spiffed up re-do boards with everything but the label under a coat of opaque pigment. I guess it depends on the board and who’s buying? If you’re going to keep it and display in the workplace, I’d say do clean repairs and buff it out.

Dr. The defintion of collectable status on a surboard has a lot to do with personal preferences. You mention a lot of historical significance so I would think a lot of the bumps and bruises should stay for that reason. That is, unless the damage is of such historical value that it would outweigh my basic opinion that all boards should be ridable (that is, only repair what is necessary to get it ridable). You also mention that you have no plans to part with it. With this said, you are the only collector that needs to be impressed with its final results. Best of luck with it. Herb Bean

Dr. use your best judgement. You know more than most. I personally think that the value is greatest left completly origial. That is if it’s a true rare one. I’ve seen good results both ways though.

Fix the dings and give it a slide every once in awhile!

Dr, I would say about half the people I restore boards for want them kept as origonal as possible. This means fixing the dings without Q-cell or paint. What I normally do is grind out the damaged glass and replace it with multiple layers of glass. Then depending on how discoloured the foam is, I use surfboard lam if it is nice and white and new looking. General purpose lnminating resin (boatbuilding etc) if the foam is starting to yellow. If the foam is realy brown and discoloured I use vinylester resin. Sand out all the repairs,then the entire board. Gloss and polish. Every restoration I do, is done, as if the board is going to be surfed.Hope this helps. David.