Hey I just bought this surfboard 6’4x19x2 2/3 for $50 it’s about 4-5 inches longer than I’d like it to be and the nose seems excessively long so my idea to reshape it and make it roughly 5 inches shorter
To get as close to seamless a curve as possible, I would create a half-template from nose to widepoint using the original width/widepoint.
Just my $0.2
But I would create a a half-nose template (quarter template) to get a symmetrical outline.
Maybe use a nose section from a “Blending Curves” template.
ride it you may learn to like it better than the reno.
now if’n you wanna make it yours loose on ihe rocks at mitchels cove then makeit 3.57 ‘’ shorter call it mitchell put a tweety sticker on the nose.at least give it a try heck its done.
Doesn’t seem excessively long to me. In fact; seems right for the shape(shortboard Thruster). Why would it bother you. Other than duck diving or pearling on a take off; It’s never in the water and you never stand on it.
Stub the end of it. 1/2” — 1”. That “Sharpie” template looks terrible and will surf terrible as well… I won’t get all in on this, but you’re altering the overall rocker so much that it will surf terrible. Fix it up. Sell to someone who will appreciate it and buy yourself a blank. Shape a 4’9” and be happy.
Yeah I was just watching some Punta Roca footage of guys with wide shortboard stances. I guess cutting the nose off would make it easier to have a foot on the nose and a foot on the tail in that “surf school” stance.
Seems like removing the “exaggerated kick” of the pointy nose would not have a major effect on the basic rocker curve.
Seems like you could sand some extra kick into the now thicker cut-down nose section.