Resin Coloring Supplies

Sorry if this gets asked her a bunch as it’s a pretty general question.

What do I need to know about using colors in polyester resin? I see that I can buy various colors on the supply sites, but am I limited to these? Or are there other suppliers outside of the “Surfboard Glassing” world that provide more color options?

Also, should I be looking for specific chemical ingredients for poly resin, or does that not matter? Any info would be awesome.

They are used in many other industries - used in all kinds of things from bowling balls to all kinds of plastics.

The paste-style pigments are best. Stay away from the liquidy pigments found at craft stores - the liquid pigment colors change over time or quickly fade.

If you’re having trouble finding a certain color - remember you can mix colors and should be able to create any color you need with mixing primary colors.