Resin Fumes - Lights - UV Catalyst

Better safe than sorry…A couple questions to that end… My next bunch of boards I am going to glass using UV catalyzed resin, as a result I’m moving my operation completely indoors (door closed in my shed, window covered up). My concern is over the lighting. Will hallogen lamps ignite the fumes of the resin? Should I use flourescent lights? Do either require uv filters? Thank for your help!

Test your lights at the same rack level as your lam job, scrap foam and the same glass schedule as your project. My flourescents at 9’ will gel UV resin in about 3 hours +. The key is how much UvA/UvB do your lights put out and will they interfere with your lam process. Tom S.

Like Tom says test what you have. TEST ALWAYS TEST! In my garage I have overhead flourescent lighting and I have never had a problem with it interacting with resin, or kicking UV’d resin prematurely. Make sure, you use a respirator and air ou the place whenever possible. Drew

I had installed a fan pulling air out of the shed, so that should help with the fumes when I was using traditional resin. I had been given a pair of halogen work lights that are pretty powerful. I noticed on the box a warning not to use them with ignitable fumes. Thanks for all the advice!

I wouldn’t go that route… Halogen works like most gas HID lights, and needs an elevated wall temperature of the bulb in order to achieve illumination. The glass sheilds they put on the lamps might prevent your curtains from touching the bulb and setting ablaze, but it won’t hold back fumes. …flourecents (sp?) are cheap and proven.