Resin in plastic container

i am leaving for indo tomorrow and i am thinking of taking some resin and catalyst (i know the airlines don’t like that but its only 10cc) for some dingrepairs off the beaten track. I thought of putting the poly-resin in a plastic (PE- polyethylene) container. which is pretty small an therefore suitable. I got my wax in styrene in that one. Are there any problemes in putting the resin in there ? before i only got my resin in metal containers. thanks for your input Zimmi

Howzit Zimmi, It’s O.K. to put resin in plastic containers (ones that won’t melt) I used to put resin in those liquid clothes soap containers with a pour spout for easier pouring. I’m not sure about you taking resin on the plane these days, but such a small amount might not get noticed. When i went to Costa Rica a few years back we had enough materials to fix a broken board. Good thing too since 1 of our boards took a real beating in transit and we spent the first night there fixing it. Leave any left overs with the locals they’ll love you for it. I used to send rail cutting scraps with a friend who was an Indo regular and he couldn’t believe how much they needed it. They also like Q-sel, which I guess is unavailable there. Aloha, Kokua

Howzit Zimmi, It’s O.K. to put resin in plastic containers (ones that won’t melt) I used to put resin in those liquid clothes soap containers with a pour spout for easier pouring. I’m not sure about you taking resin on the plane these days, but such a small amount might not get noticed. When i went to Costa Rica a few years back we had enough materials to fix a broken board. Good thing too since 1 of our boards took a real beating in transit and we spent the first night there fixing it. Leave any left overs with the locals they’ll love you for it. I used to send rail cutting scraps with a friend who was an Indo regular and he couldn’t believe how much they needed it. They also like Q-sel, which I guess is unavailable there. Aloha, Kokua