Resin Infusion - lots of Innegra links

If you post up some pics and details, we can help. There are lots of ways to prevent or forestall boards falling apart beneath your feet using the current tech. And lots of guys here willing to help out with tried and proven suggestions.

We just need some pics and a clear description of exactly what happened to your board. Might be anything from foam density to ding repair diligence, or a thousand other possibilities.

I don’t think anyone here is opposed to other ways of doing things, as there really is no one prescribed method of surfboard building. Lots of room for individual approaches, personal preferences, exploring new materials and alternate methods.

It matters to me whether or not you have any real practical knowledge and hands on experience when you speak in such authoritative tones. OR— just another “Internet know it all”. We can ALL read.

You should check out the recent thread discussion on X glass. Which is partly madeof Innegra. Pretty disappointing.

Hi all, I am a bit surprised towards the comments on this thread, as some time ago, guys like Bert Burger and Greg Loehr and many others posted how different constructions could be used and to what end, and there was a lot of enthusiasm around other ways of making surfboards (and I loved that and experimented myself a lot). Now I read this thread and I feel the general tone is why bother as surfboards are just good as they are and no one should try doing something else as it has no sense… where’s the old enthusiasm ? Should we loose any motivation in doing things differently with the hope of maybe finding some minor improvements ? For my part I am playing with resin infusion and love this, even if maybe it won’t go anywhere in a complete surfboard construction (but at least I will try), I’ve at least used it to make my daughter a paddle blade and this is a nice technique which opens a lot of possibilities. I perfectly understand all what is stated above and this is all true, but maybe a little hope in trying new things could still be “allowed” to those willing to spend their time in that (mostly backyard shapers). As fun is the biggest aim, this is also having fun to complicate things, at least for me.

I am using what works. Included in what works are several differant fabrics and tapes. When you are producing a handcrafted product for a discriminating customer; You don’t need any complications. Sways Bros are the experimenters. They are always looking for some cheap Lowes or Home Depot foam to make a board out of. They experiment with glues, resin, fabrics etc. Trying to save a buck$$$ most of the time. The end result many times is wasted time and $$$. Then they strip the glass off and started over. I’m in no way discouraging that. The reality is most of them have more money than sense so they experiment.

Hi Pierre, guess it boils down to perspective, cuz I didn’t get that from it at all. Now that you mention it, why don’t you, or the o.p., post up a resin infusion thread ala Loehr or Burger, and show us what you’re doing with it? Keep the enthusiasm going, and share the knowledge. Lots of us here would love to see it.

…hello PierreK, you sounds exactly like the Socialists…yes we could, we try, how can not be possible? etc then the time pass the money and the grandmas jewels gone and all for nothing but yes! at least we tried…I know pretty well these intentions.

Then mention Burger, etc again, as mentioned where s the new anything there? nothing. Also, even the same shapes.
Regarding refinements, those fine ones started around 25 years ago and there s no more nothing to offer so now you see two things: hipsters “back to the basics concept” and “new techies heads” with boards with so many angles, forced angles included fins. But not forget the carbon fiber strips! (now in other type of fashion to sell “new” to the new breed.

I am not against any new; but I do not see any new of what they proclaim.
However, in my opinion, you can make almost all the possible stuff with a PU board. Is not the shape or the board is the surfer that fails.
An intermediate surfer CAN put his board at 12 o clock after crank a bottom turn BUT I almost do not see ANY doing that; the board perfectly well turns and go upside but not the surfers. You need balls and know that if fails and you do not have too much luck you pay (like me)

So IF fall from the sky some magical new material at the right price etc and the industry would be transformed by those, I WILL not see ANY advantage for the average rider.

Balls and more time in the water DO NOT came with new materials also.

You can add that the megacorps that fucked every little precious thing in this world will be the owners and decide for you (like with skate boards, wake boards, tennis rackets, sneakers, etc) what s the best what models you should buy.

Sooo, after all these sentences there s no hope? only rest doing the same?
I am not saying that, I talked about what is really outdated and what s not plus that at some point the change should be drastically or not to do a change at all (like the rubber on the wheels)

I really prefer a change an an update in a wetsuit; still basically the same crap at double the price in the Winter ones; they only last one complete season.
That demonstrate two things: one is that the marketing works; the other is that actually there s no any new material because fabrics are the only new (synthetic ones) stuff; recycled stuff that provide plastic things and I do not see anything like that with the wetsuits companies, that by the way are the only with some money change to look for the new thing.
OR they have no vision at all.

Reverb all these years and I am either getting more like you or you are getting more like me. Ha!Ha!

…I could not help myself. I really need to know how to shut up. Is a problem for me in this fake society

In 2017 footballs (of both types) still look like footballs; tennis racquets still look like tennis racquets and bolt action hunting rifles still look like hunting rifles.

I guess we could say their designs have matured and what remains are refinements.

I gotta laugh when I see “surfboard of the future” and its got a freakin’ text message phone built into it, haha, or some barney gets his meal delivered via drone while sitting in the lineup - technology enriching our lives, the modern march to progress continues! And wasn’t it that modern marvel the jet powered surfboard that nearly killed Greg Long?

Not saying it isn’t fun to tweak things and swaylocks is rife with that. Shoot, look at what is being done here in the realm of hydrofoil surfboard design, mind-blowing! And using traditionally built surfboards as a base.

So I don’t think anybody here is against trying to improve. If anything, that’s what really drives this site - people coming on here to progress their skills and their craft.

Dang these whipper snappers and all this new this new that. Wood Boards with no electric tools was just fine. A sharp planer saw horses and a nice Sunny day was all you needed … no fancy foam resins moder fiberglass. No electric tools!
One day some young punk comes along and starts messing everything up. Balsa wood with messy fiberglass and resin. Damn itchy stuff. That fiberglass… if that weren’t bad enough. The damn fool made Surfboard out of foam! No self respecting man should ever be seen on foam board… Now we got dagnabbit skews on surfboards. Real Surfers don’t need a skegs. Drag your foot if you want to turn…
We got foam boards with skegs. People going this way and that on those light 30 lbs Boards . At least they were man size. So how do Surfers give up more of there manhood? More damn Hippies go and make Surfboards shorter and lighter. Now we got drugged out Hippie So called Surfers. Why can’t they just leave thing be! Skegs are now fins. Some idiot thought more fins would be better. It was blasphemy with one slag. It’s now more blasphemy with more fins! It’s evil I tell you pure sin. One fin two fins three fins How about a dozens fins?
Nothing ever good came out of changing things. Redwood Boards, Hourse and Buggy to get to the Beach. Steam engine trains, no fancy pants new stuff. It,all gone to hell!
Don’t get me started on those Horseless Buggy contraptions.

Now don’t get your Boardshorts all twisted into a knot Just having a little fun.

All above comments are wise and realistic, but I still have faith in trying other things as the path is also a lot of fun beside the end-results.
In my opinion, resin infusion might speed up the glassing job and give repeated quality with vacuum laminated fibers. That may not change the shape and function of surfboards but may (or may not) be a way of cutting into the time spent to fully laminate a surfboard (especially the bigger ones). For me and my very limited spare time for making my surfboards (wasted into testing things instead of performing the well known methods), I expect that I will be able to dry laminate all my fiberglass or other fibers, being able to stop at any time when I need it, and when I am ready, infuse everything all at once. I’ll then just watch the process get done on its own, without having resin everywhere and maybe saving a little bit of resin (this has yet to be proven ). I am still not at the level of trying a whole surfboard, but it is getting closer by trying different things (similar to what can be seen on the web anyway). One thing learnt is that obviously your core mustn’t be too porous as resin will fill any void when infusing and weight may add up quickly. At the end, the expectation is not on cutting into the cost as it may be higher, but I hope the boards will be light and strong.

You get it. Lawless gets it. Others get it, and are smart enough to stay quiet about it.
About a decade ago a member called Rikds tried sharing about his infusion of an entire longboard.
Want to guess what kind of response he got?
I don’t know why, but subjects like this really piss off a vocal contingent in this forum, whereas you can go to actual composites forums and see legitimate professionals coaching others and sharing lots of helpful info with each other.
I’m done with subject.
Peace out.

…hello, seems that many do not read well previous comments.
In my case, I was responding to the fact that
1-now there s nothing new that can transform an actual surfboard in a better one.
2-the main problem is with the skill level of the rider not with the conventional surfboards.
3-Regarding what Artz is saying; he s right BUT in those times fiberglass, PU and resins were NEW really new materials; then all the plastics advent (then in early 70s went down; now no one cares about things made with plastics anymore; most are perceived as low quality stuff)
So this thread was about outdated and new stuff; after WWII, was a necessity to change the designs because better waves should be ridden. Then they took advantage of NEW materials (no more Balsa wood were available to supply the demand too)
Is like with music; if we had this chat couple of centuries before or even better couple of thousands years ago; yes many things to improve, change etc.
Now, (hence the wheel example) is all the refinement done. Again, the only way to change a design drastically is with new materials. Where s the new ones?
I receive newsletters of 2 of the factories (with researchers) working with all types of plastics and still did not see anything that you could apply (weight, cost, functionality wise) to change the surfboard design.

The problem with threads of this type is that the op and others can’t resist making smart ass remarks about others. There is an air of superiority among those who are well read on whatever the latest technology may be. Laughing at and talking down to those who use the tried and true methods. They’d get more of an audience and acknowledgement if they would avoid the snide remarks. Most of these folks are well read, but have no practical experience. I’d like to see some threads about infusion, new technology and it’s use in relation to surfboards. If that were possible for some to do without the superiority bull shit. Someone do a step by step thread with pics on the simplest method to vacuum bag a surfboard.

Like Reverb, I don’t always agree with McDing, but feels like we’re on the same page here. I have read the threads referenced, and I don’t recall anybody telling Greg Loehr or Burt Berger to get lost, or quit experimenting. Those threads were full of pictures, honest answers, and hands on practical application, and they were well received. They promoted a certain stoke for the advancement of the craft, not a snide condescending attitude toward those using traditional methods. Others, like BB30 (I think?) have brought some good stuff to the table, with lots of pics.

Resin infusion has potential to reduce weight, increase strength, and minimize sanding. Yeah, that’s of interest to us here. That’s why I clicked on this thread in the first place. If there are people out there so far advanced that they laugh at the traditional methods, building boards that take performance to a new level, why aren’t they sharing? I have invited those who commented in this thread to share their pictures and methods. Swaylocks is all about teaching, sharing, showing. There have been several build threads here lately showing traditional shaping and glassing, but nothing from the resin infusion or other “bleeding edge” builders. Show us what you got!

Why shore anymore? So the snide aholes can spread their negative BS?
Or so others will take the best of the things you’ve spent time and money researching and profit from that?
Why do you think so many great innovators stopped posting?
This place has lost all that I loved about it.

"The problem with threads of this type is that the op and others can’t resist making smart ass remarks about others. There is an air of superiority among those who are well read on whatever the latest technology may be. "

Sorry McDing, but that’s just not true.

Just speaking for myself, I never cared who copied the ideas I came up with. That was the whole point of sharing. But the negativity from the ones who didn’t like innovation discussed killed a lot of the fun.

I haven’t done any boards in about three years now, because the ones that I made just last a long time. I’m about to do one. Maybe I’ll do a thead.