resin question


I’m fixing a ding and was just putting a second coat of resin over the repair.

I mixed up a small amount of resin with two drops of catalyst and the 2nd coat looks slightly yellow when I put it on.

I use old watercolor paint brushes for this sort of thing (the few times I’ve done it). I may have mistakenly used a dirty brush (d’oh!)…or maybe there was a little dirt in the mixing cup? Or maybe old paint on the brush that didn’t rinse out…

Are these the only possibilites? Has anyone ever had this problem? Am I stuck with a yellowish repair? As long as the repair is fine, I could care less about the color (I was planning on paint-penning the entire board anyway)… Anyone else ever mix up yellowish resin by mistake?


Keep your brushes away from the kids. Unless you like a clear finish with yellowish splotches. Mike

Just checked the resin… seems to be hardening just fine.

…and I don’t have any kids! (please, not yet, unless they can sweep foam dust as soon as possible…) Just too many activities, hobbies, interests, pastimes, rackets, ventures, projects, and so on…
