I remember a thread talking about this a while back, but after trying many different permutations in the search field I can’t seem to find it.
I have some Resin Research epoxy that I have stored in a garage, and it has been exposed to freezing temperatures. Up here in Canada, over the winter, its had some well below zero temps.
Is it completely unusable?
I wouldn’t think that I could just go ahead and use it, but maybe putting the bottles in some hot/boiling water for a while and stirring the resin and hardener to make sure they are both still in solution would work?
I had some epoxy stored in a closet on my balcony during the winter and we had some below zero (up to minus 10 degrees Celsius) days and nights as well. Just been glassing my board and the epoxy cured without any problems. Though the hardener is new and never been exposed to below zero temperatures. Gonna do a hot coat this afternoon with old hardener that has been on the balcony the whole winter as well so I’ll see if it still works. It’s not RR epoxy though (it’s poly-pox from Polyservice in The Netherlands). I’ll let you know how it turned out.
is it still clear and runny?
We had a jug that had gone opaque then gummy and finally crystalized solid! Melting it with slow heat brought it back to life for the most part though. Watch out with warm water baths not to get any moisture in the resin , that includes condensation on the inside of the jug, H2O + epoxy = fish eye hell
I used the epoxy this weekend and it cured out perfectly. So I guess that, unless like Surfer_dave said, the epoxy isnt clear anymore, it is still useable.
No prob, just heat all components seperately
t will be absolutely fine, when it freazes it will turn thick/solid and white, I just stick the bottles on top of the raideator till it turns clear and runny.
The harder tends to stay runny anyway. but I’d heat that up seperately at the same time. If your using attitive F (which you should in thoses temps, as it cuts out blush) heat it the give then give the can a good shake as the solits tend to seperate from the sollution.
Be careful if your doing the hot water bath thing, if any drips of water fall into the mix it will turn the resin cloudy and effect thr cure. just stick them on top of the heater or zap them in the microwave on full power for about 20 secs for a bottle or 10 seconds for a small cup.
If I heat epoxy in the microwave, I guess this would be my last post over here. I would end up on page six in a small newsstory containing the words “fall”, “open window”, “pavement”, “severe head insury” and “death”. In other words, my girlfriend would kill me…
heat it up in water to be sure
and the best/only way is to heat the resin first, if it is too hot, let it cool down slowly
do not microwave your mixed batch !!
my valuable 2 million cents of advise, advice
which is it?