resin research bio science epoxy

anyone try the new bio resin by resin research ? Just noticed it on shaper supply / not much difference in $

Resin Research Bio-CE – Shaper Supply12536682512462




Have not used it or stocked it in my supply shop yet, but plan to in the near future.  RR products overall are very good and have lead the way in surfboard Epoxy products.  I would think that it would be as good as anything else RR makes.  I am not impressed with Entrophy/Super Sap and have found Entrophy to be a company too inconsistent to deal with.  You have to be able to get product when you need it.  

word MC ding!

I think I’ll give it a whirl. I’m surprise there’s not more hype 

Yes there was no big fanfare.  It just showed up on the RR website one day.  Might have been up there for months for all I know.  I rarely visit the site.  I get my RR from a distributor in So. Cal.  I missed my opportunity to buy direct from them.  Result is I make pennies per gal.  But I have customers that prefer it over anything else.  Super Sap was a big deal because of the “Green” claims.  This is RR’s response.  I haven’t got the rest of the day to tell you about my NEGATIVE experience with Entrophy/Super Sap.  Loehr deserves full credit for the time he has put in to develop these Epoxy resins.  He also deserves a great deal of credit for advancing EPS/Epoxy Surfboards.  I recently have been reading the Ben Marcus book; Surfboard—- Art-Style-Stoke.  I see that Surftech gets a lot of credit in that book, but so far I have seen no mention of Greg Loehr.  Very little credit for someone who paid years of dues developing EPS/Epoxy.  Lowel

My supplier, seabase, do his one packaging for RR resin, there is  now a bio content logo. I don’t see différences. We have good resin in Europe but Always like RR 2000 fast, give me consistant résults and seabase France is a good supplier.

good to know Lemat

I just placed my order so I’ll keep ya’ll posted after I try it out 



I wonder…

… because this “new”, “Bio-Science Based” CE epoxy from RR reminds me of a Sway’s thread.

And that not only did RR did announce this, it was a fair bit longer ago than you might think. And that in fact there was quite a LOT of “hype”, Tenderloin Tom, and “fanfare” McDing,… well there certainly was here on Sway’s at least.

I’m wondering if the reason why you’re “not seeing any difference” Lemat, is because… there is no difference.

And that “RR’s response” to “Super Saps “Green” claims” McDing, may in fact just be a case of Greg finally getting around to changing his labelling.

The thread I’m talking about is this one:

It’s a bit of a haul, but trust me, hang in there and make sure you read it right from Greg’s original post to at least post #42. It’ll be worth it.

F*cking hilarious. Greg must have had a ball sitting back and watching it all happen.

The thread’s pretty educational too.

Mind you, this “new” Bio-based Science CE epoxy may well actually be a new formula; I’d be curious to hear from Greg himself as to what has happened - anyone around here able to get in contact with him about it, and ask him to comment on it here?

Well, must away to the coast; have a good one guys and see you all on the other side of the weekend.

Have fun with it & Cheers all!


I do seem to remember seeing something about it on Sways.  But I don’t read every thread on Sways and just because it’s mentioned on Sways isn’t exactly an “Industry” rollout.  Even if it’s a whole thread.  Especially since most people on Sways are hobbyists.  I first heard about it a couple of years ago.  Not on Sways though, but through my distributor.  There have been sooo many products debuted here on Sways that are no longer with us.  An announcement on Swaylocks doesn’t legitimize a new product in the “Industry”.  I don’t remember every thread on Sways, nor what I have reader or even contributed.  Some, but not all.   I wish we were all as knowledgeable about what goes on here at Swaylocks.  But who’s got that kind of time to read, study and search the archives?  You;  I guess.