Resin swirl top and bottom, but plain rails

I wanted try separate resin swirl panel on both the deck and bottom, but keeping the rails a solid resin color.  What is the basic the basic technique?   Three separate glassing schedules I assume:  rails first, then deck, then bottom?



Painted rails, taped off and a panel on each side.  Touch up the painted foam rails when both panels are finished.  Glass both sides with a clear.  Hot coat and sand.  Pinline the panels.  If you did an extra fine professional razor cut at the panels and didn’t screw up you painted rails when you pulled tape, you might not need the pinlines.  If you did the panels first and got a nice cut you could paint the rail after the panels.  The panels might even look better with the Pins as it borders and sets off the panels.  The only other possibility is doing a full tint on both sides.  Tape off the rail and do the panel on top of tint.  You are taking the chance that your panels will cover up the tint under the panel.  It could be done that way if;  you don’t care if the color underneath shows or if the colors you use for the panels are Opaque enough to cover the color underneath.