I’ve been trying to understand exactly how you do a resin swirl, but I can’t understand the process.
go to the archives and type in “cool resin swirl video”, austin put it out and its freakin awesome. theres alos lots of information on there. the video is probably the best way to explain it.
check the archives…lots of info there.
also, the crew at Austin Surfboards posted a great video on here awhile back. here’s the link… Retro Swirl
KG has a movie too in the news and events section I think.
Short story…
First color that hits the board is the one
Throw the color on, no preplanned idea.
Mix colors in separate buckets…or same for two to 3 color ideas.
Usually during lam coat.
I’ve never done a resin swirl/acid splash before. Can I get away with using UV lam resin if I don’t tint it opaque and throw in maybe 0.5% catalyst? I’m just concerned I won’t get the board fully wet out and the rails tucked before it kicks. After watching the Master Glasser video I really want to do a board like is done in the film, a yellow/orange acid splash… looks great.
I did just that and it turned out great (IMHO). I forgot to add the little amount of MEKP, though, so I had to leave it in the sun for a while to make sure it kicked all the way through. Seems to have cured just fine.
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