resin to catalyst ratio

please help me out , so far ive just been lucky with this, I just cant get my mix right. can someone give me better details - I tend to work at 78- 80 degrees- I need to know – one quart\ 3c.c. ,etc. I need more details please- Ichecked the archieves but only found pieces- thanks to all-also if posibble a clue about how temp. affects this . THANKS

80 degrees - I use 1% - 1.25% if its hot (above 85 degrees) - 1% (minimum for good reaction) 2% if its cold (below 65 degrees) 2-3% for hot coat (2x if cold) experiment a little and you will find out the ratio that works best for you

thanks for the info, but Im a bit slow - what is the formula for figuring percentage- 1 to 1.25 % --this is to a quart? I have in the past figured and used at 78 degrees- 3cc cat to 1 quart for laminate but my working time was short-- Iseem to be kind of in the ballpark but I want to get this right so I dont have to do extra work or corect my mistakes -my hot coat - 5cc to half quart-I just want to glaasss more bettteerrrr THANKS TO ALL-

click on the link in the previous post and read the chart

Two important things to buy – a cheap thermometer and a small measuring cup graduated in CCs. If I were setting up a big batch of lam resin to do a long board – I may do 15 CCs of MEKP in 40 liquid OZs of resin at about 84 degrees. To hot coat the same board, I would use less resin and about the same amount of MEKP to kick it hot. A lot of it is just learning. I really am not completely sure what I am going to do for any given board until I do it. Then I just know from experience looking at the board, the resin cup, and the hardener what to do. There have been times when it was in the mid 90s and I have kicked a lam coat for a funboard with as little as 8 CCs. Always measure the MEKP – whatever you do, its almost always between 10 and 20 CCs to kick at batch or resin. If you are outside those numbers, stop and think about it for a while. Then go get some suncure. As for your statement that you kicked a quart of resin at 78 with 3 CCs and it went off to fast? Check your scale, you must be using 30 CCs not 3! Scott

thanks for the help- I found the chart and will use it -thanks to all

10 CC’s catalyst to 1 qt resin = 1% 20 CC’s catalyst to 1 qt resin = 2% As a general rule: Going under 1% can cause poor mixing and poor cure. Going over 2% can cause premature yellowing and brittle glass jobs.