Resin work bench station build

In order to try and keep thing a little tidier and improve work flow in my glassing room and to save having bottles of this and that every were I thought it would be good to build a unit that all of resin and sticky stuff could be stored.

As most of my work is epoxy and living in the uk the number one thing is going to be a insulated and heated storage space for the resin but would also like to have some sort of pump or taps to make measuring out a less messy process and then some sort of dispenser for all the powders like micro ballons and cabo ect and maybe something even for the pigments which would also be good if the were warm too. Then storage for things like squeegees and brushes gloves ect. maybe so sort of thing for cleaning hands and tools

I’m curious if anyone working in a production environment has anything like this already?

If not does any one have any cool ideas to add to the list? perhaps some sort of mixer set up?

The plan is to draw at least the basic bits up in cad and then to build it from a modular aluminium extrusion system so it can easily be modified or added to at any point and easily constructed by any one

I keep pigments in drawers organized by colors, other drawers for brushes of different sizes, leash plugs and fin boxes, fin rope, squeegees, then cups and buckets stacked upside down in various sizes, and I have a specific open fire safe container for tossing stuff that is catalyzed but still sticky. I’m messy enough I’d plan a roll of heavy paper on the side so easy to strip and redo the surface. Mix sticks easy to reach in the middle with a lid that you can open with the back of your hand…cuz dirty sticks suck…cabosil, chopped glass, and micro balloons in containers with small scoops inside. Not sure having a beer tap system wouldn’t work for those? Built in scale would make sense, and just for fun a voice actuated timer and music player like amazon echo

A bit risky, but I’d let gravity do the work for me. Find a good container with a good tap and mount on a shelf or wall above your bench. The risky part is gravity can be your enemy if tap should leak. I’d place a tray under the tap to catch the unavoidable drip. Drawers keep things organized and neat if you can keep your hands relatively resin free. You may also be able to find containers for dispensing the powdered materials. If not try low heavy containers to prevent tipping the powder and container over.

They make pumps for Epoxy. You may have to pour off resin into a container the pump will fit. They are readily available at supply houses here in the U.S. Polyester shops commonly use parts cleaning trays to clean squeegees and brushes. They use acetone though.

I think pumps are the safer option. The only pump set I have found other than the little plastic ones that go on bottles (which is fine for small amounts but not 1/2L at a time is the sticky stuff ones but they are are quite pricy for what they are and really I want to be storing the resin under the bench than on to at it comes in 20L drums.

at the very worst I would have to try and build some I guess.

if any one has any links to some were to look I would be interested to have a look