I’m about to glass my first board and I have a question. I have a gallon of Lam resin and I’m glassing a 9’6" with 6 oz on bottom and 6+4 oz on top. How much resin should I use on the bottom so I have enough left for the top? Thanks for your help.
dont forget the fin,and the hot coats and drips on the cat walking under the rack ?fin box? use enough resin to saturate glass and foam…use just enough, just go that board was to be ready last month.amc… buy another gallon!
mix up about a qt. for the bottom and see how you go, then adjust accordingly for the deck.
I’m a beginner and I’m not so mathamatically inclined so i mix every thing in quarts. I get my ratios mixed right easier, and a quart always seems enough for a big board 9’6". Separate it into 2 or 3 batches. The resin will kick off faster if it’s in a big bucket. If it’s in smaller batches you have a little more time to work. I might be backwards but i like to saturate my overhang first with non catilized lam resin and a paint brush, then I do the wet out. By the time I get to wrapping the rails enough catalized resin has worked it’s way into the hanging laps, and dripped off. I don’t have to frantically work to get the laps nice and smooth because of saturation or time problems. I also don’t have to go back and baste the rails which adds unwanted weight. Just say no to air pins! Hopefully i’ll get good enough so I wont have to add this extra step, but for now its working for a nice smooth glass and not too much sanding of the hot coat.